Am I being too pedantic?
My first reaction to the thread, " Looking for New England LAC with Health Science/Kinesiology Major," was, if it offers health sciences or kinesiology as a major, then it’s not a liberal arts university. A college or university can be small without being an LAC. Maybe she just means a small school, but is conflating that with an LAC.
Responses in that thread include:
St. Michael’s College in Vermont, a small school that offers such majors as education studies, business administration, criminology, health sciences, and equity studies.
St.Lawrence University: Small college in NY that offers these preprofessional majors: digital media and film, finance, educational studies, prehealth chemistry, sports studies and exercise science.
Plymouth State University, in NH, offers: accounting, adventure Education, art education, business administration, exercise and sports physiology, finance, tourism management.
To me, an LAC offers majors only in academic disciplines – not in vocational subject matter that teaches job skills and content for a specific career.
With the exception of LACs that also offer engineering, like Union College.