<p>I think mine involved worms coming out of my calculator. And math problems.</p>
<p>Well I usually just lurk here, but my dream was rather weird last night so I’ll post.</p>
<p>I was flying to Italy for a physics scholarship (I had just finished the application that day) when my plane crashes in the UK. Being the only survivor I make my way to London, (I guess nobody noticed the plane crash, go figure) and on the way I meet up with an Irish gang of teenagers who are heading to a soccer game. I travel with them for a while and become friends, and when we get to London I join their gang (which I guess was a real gang) and I get some ridiculous cloverleaf tattoo on my back. The rest of the dream was our gang getting in wars with British gangs over soccer games until I get pushed off the tower of London and wake up.</p>
<p>I had a dream about going to an upcoming dance with my ex, who’s also a good friend now. Then I woke up and realized he was in college. =[</p>
<p>I dreamt that I got into TASP, but the acceptance form was stuck in the mud. Once I finally got it out and read it, I learned that it was supposed to be in the mud, to correspond to my essay themes or something. Then I woke up.</p>
<p>I don’t remember what I dreamt about last night. =/</p>
<p>I had the same one three different ways. First I watched it, then woke up. Fell asleep, and dreamed we read it in AP lit. Woke up, fell asleep again, and dreamed it was our school musical. I don’t really remember what happened, but I think the Ninja Turtles were in it. Wierd because I never watched or liked the ninja turtles.</p>
<p>^ lmao! nice</p>
<p>i dreamed i was at caltech’s some version of PFW and my caltech friend was there (deferred from caltech). lol, wierrrrddd</p>
<p>that i was going to magically get better.
nope. still sick.</p>
<p>Such a strange one- I dreamed that I got accepted RD to JHU and then I was on a bus and I was like “OMG I GOT IN AND I DIDN’T EVEN APPLY ED…SUCK IT ANYONE WHO SAID MY CHANCES ARE ZERO!!”
But, alas, it was just a dream :(</p>
<p>that i went to Yale and saw their cheerleaders do their routine</p>
<p>I nevaaaar can remember anything I dream… :{</p>
<p>mitch connor</p>
<p>^ Same here, IV. 5 mins after I wake up, I can’t remember what I dreamt about.</p>
<p>I dreamed I got into a huge fight with my mother and bit her.</p>
<p>I rarely remember my dreams, but two nights ago I dreamed that these guys kidnapped me and I called up a fellow CCer (hahahaha) to save me (I dunno why I didn’t call, like, my parents) but he wasn’t home! And the guys had to go somewhere so they left their friend to guard me, and he showed me his crossdressing performance, which was really impressive (especially 'cause he was a white guy who turned into an Asian girl) and I told him so. It turned out that he was really nice and I’d further earned his respect by complimenting his crossdressing, so he let me go.</p>
<p>So last night, I dreamt my friends were yelling at me because we were playing a game and I was only looking to the right (they were sitting across from me on the left). I justified myself by saying before they came, really old people were in their seats, and they were ugly so I never looked at them. And then they yelled at me for more things, so I started rolling around on the floor crying, and then they gave me a hug and started speaking in whispers about whether I was going to be okay.</p>
<p>I have kind of messed-up dreams. :p</p>
<p>^LMAO, fizix2.</p>
<p>A couple of nights ago:</p>
<p>So Obama and I are getting off the school bus, and we go into my house, where the kitchen is in the wrong place. I can’t wait to tell my dad I brought the president home. “Hey Dad, it’s Barack Obama!” I say. But my dad just continues washing the dishes and mumbles something, unimpressed. Obama decides to check our lighting fixtures, and then goes upstairs to find my dad’s 1975 SAT scores.</p>
<p>don’t remember, but I know anytime I have a dream that I can remember details from (it’s not that rare), it will be a complete nightmare with a pretty decent plot.</p>
<p>i need someone to hold me in my sleep so i don’t end up as scared =P</p>