<p>honestly, to me, if its a guy i’m close to or crushing on, i would see him as slightly slutty. or man whoreish BUT that wouldn’t necessarily change how i see him in real life. a lot of guys have different internet personas then their real life personas. i would just think to myself “oh okay, i see you with all the honeys…” and move on to another person’s fb page lol</p>
<p>Personally (being a guy), when I see another guy’s facebook wall full of posts from girls I almost always think, “Wow, I didn’t know you hung out with girls so much.” But realistically it means nothing. In my experience, both girls’ and guys’ walls are covered with posts from girls. Clearly the girls just leave messages on walls more often.</p>
<p>I just checked my own Facebook wall and it’s mostly girls, but I hang out almost exclusively with guys.</p>
<p>It’s threads like this that make me happy that I haven’t made a facebook lol. :D</p>
<p>What you need is a chi-squared significance test</p>
<p>Damn this guy, he must be very cool. I would it like very much if he and I could mutually enjoy a degree of sexual relations at some point in the near future, prefferably within this week, that is, the week that myself and the rest of the human race is currently living in.</p>
<p>I probably wouldn’t notice. However if I had any suspicion that he was the manwhore sort (from previous interactions or other things on his fbook), that would probably feed into my suspicions.</p>
<p>as the few girls on here said, it can cause alot of jealousy. And it’s not just some of the girls, its ALL girls. The more girls going after a guy, the more desirable the guy appears. And we all know girls are SUPER competitive (they dress up and look nice to “beat out” each other in hopes of getting the best guy/being the ‘hottest’ girl)
^this is so true btw. many girls will deny it. only the brave ones will admit to the truth.</p>
<p>and I actually used this (getting alot of girls to post) as something that would make my gf want me even more. I’d call her up and be like "hey j— guess who I’m with and you’re not? Do you want to miss out on making babies? =0 ;] "</p>
<p>As for guys, it usually makes them jealous too. some guys will get mad / want to kill you (I was the target of this myself).</p>
<p>don’t care.
i use facebook when i loose my phone or to stalk people.
do not have time to figure out the male/female ratio of posts.</p>
<p>Uhh it’s pretty common. I don’t look and say “oh, cool,” when I see that a guy has one (or several) of those, but I’m not disgusted, either. Most girls just ignore it. It’s not a big deal.</p>
<p>Why does it matter? lol I do not care</p>
<p>^ That post was totally worth digging up this old thread for <3</p>
<p>DHV (10 char)</p>
<p>I likely wouldn’t even notice.</p>
<p>I’ll admit that I am a massive, pathological facebook-stalker.
If I see a girl post on a guy I like’s wall, especially if its a “hinting at something more” kind of post, I get slightly jealous. I’ll also click “wall-to-wall” to see the convo.
If the guy likes a girls status I will also look at what her status was.</p>
<p>This is bad, I know and its why I hate facebook, I am not nearly this obsessive IRL. =[</p>
<p>Cool story, brah.</p>
<p>I don’t pay attention to other Facebook wall posts if I’m not sufficiently interested, and I certainly don’t give a hoot about what girls are posting on a particular guy’s wall.</p>
<p>I have my own wall to tend to, though I have neglected it as of late. :(</p>
<p>hahaha, old threads <3</p>
<p>I wouldn’t care.</p>
<p>Maybe it was his birthday…?</p>
<p>Haha, any girls spying on me on facebook will rest easy tonight then, because my wall is usually fairly quiet, and I don’t have many women friends. </p>
<p>Why? hell if I know. XD</p>