What do girls think of guys whose Facebook Walls are covered with girls posts?

<p>hey, what do girls think when they see a guy's facebook wall covered with girls' wall posts? (not exactly all 10, but like 8/10 wall posts are girls)....although they might not be flirting with him on his wall.</p>

<p>or do girls even notice how many guys/girls write on a guy's wall? what do the dudes think? do they care?</p>

<p>Who cares.</p>

My sentiments exactly.</p>

<p>If it's a guy I'm interested in/dating i get jealous, but that's probs just because I'm an extremely jealous person by nature. Otherwise, I don't care.</p>


<p>Possibly gay?</p>

<p>it's situational, really.</p>

<p>my wall usually gets covered by one person's posts from time to time.</p>

<p>Nobody Cares!</p>

<p>apparently: "better post about this on the internet, stat!"</p>

<p>waste of space</p>

<p>it wouldn't bother me...</p>

<p>i don't think i'd notice</p>

<p>I agree with bethyy. If it's a guy I like or am dating, I'd be jealous. But if it was just a male friend, could care less what's on their wall.</p>

<p>Stop overthinking facebook.</p>

<p>i judge a person solely on who posts on their wall.</p>

<p>doesnt matter
but im sure the guy friends would feel jealous</p>

<p>That guy has too much time on his hands to facebook message all those girls.</p>

<p>^^^ seriously!!</p>

<p>haha i cant believe you knew there were 10 wall posts on a profile. stop facebooking. go study for finals.</p>

<p>dont care?</p>