What do I have to get on the final to keep an A in the class? Please help!

Alright, my Chem final is tomorrow and I suck at calculating these types of things, so here I am.

My current grade is a 91.3% (we have a 10 point scale), which is an A-. I need to either keep the A-, or bump it up to an A.

My teacher said the final exam is worth 15% of our final grade, and I need to know how many problems I can get wrong on the test but still able to keep above a 90 in the class.

Not sure how many questions there are gonna be. I think she said 70? All multiple choice I think, but there may or may not be some written answers for balancing equations and such. She also gave us a review packet, and if we finish it, we get 10 free questions on the exam.

So, factoring in the review packets extra 10 points and the 15% grade value, what percent do I need to get on the final to keep an A?

Thanks a lot!

90-(91.3*.85)= 12.4 roughly.
12.4/15=82.666% needed on the final. Without knowing how many points the test is worth, no way to know how extra credit helps.

That’d be about 58 questions correct on the test IF it’s 70 questions, or 48 if you get all 10 points for the worksheets.

That’s IF my calculations are correct. They agreed with @guineagirl96 up until I calculated the specific number. I trust her math, so my numbers should be OK. Just do your best, dude.

I actually really love doing this for people. Idk why.

@awesomepolyglot @guineagirl96 thanks a lot, I appreciate it! I found a decent calculator online and it said I need roughly an 82% to finish with a 90% (so your math was correct), so I’m gonna shoot for a bit higher than that to play it safe. Again, thanks a lot!!