What do I tell them?

<p>Okay, so, my freshman year I had a lot of B's for my second semester because we did this project that counted for 20% in all of our core classes. Basically, some personal issues affected my performance and I got a low B on the project so it dropped my average down to B's for those classes the second semester. </p>

<p>Last year, I had a few B's first semester because that was when I started getting sick and I was out finals week. I ended up getting some bad grades on my finals because of that. It dropped my averages down in three of my classes. When I say sick, it was the start of an illness that has been going on for over a year, not just the flu. </p>

<p>I'm not sure how to tell colleges this without sounding like I'm making up excuses, but I also want them to know I am a hard worker and it wasn't my fault. </p>

<p>Any advice?</p>

<p>Can you get your GC (guidance counselor) to explain all of this on the Counselor Report for you?</p>

<p>They’ll believe your counselor, but probably not you directly.</p>

<p>make your counselor write it in his/her rec, like ^ said.</p>