<p>Hello my fellow college confidentialites. I am writing this to ask your opinions on my transfering situation. About a year ago I started a theoretical thread with "what if i get these grades what can I do etc.) with the semester over and my first two year numbers finalized I wanted to get your all's take. </p>
<p>Currently I attend West Virginia University and I am a political science major. I had a horrible freshman semester here, got a 1.9, went out all the time didn't focus on schoolwork, joined a frat (bad idea for me) and everything went horribly wrong, i failed two classes. After that semester though my grades started to get much better, here are my grades after that</p>
<p>HS GPA 3.0, SAT 2010/2400</p>
<p>Current college GPA (3.65, going to try get it up to a 3.7 by the end of the year with my study abraod and internship credit)</p>
<p>Fall semester freshman year (10 credits earned)
-(105)Intro Anthropology (B)
-(101)University 101 (B)
-(102)Intro to American Government (C)
-(130)Intro to Philosophy (C)
-(105)Intro Social Work (F)</p>
<p>Spring semester freshman year (12 credits earned)
-(132)English Short Story and Novel (A)
-(210)Intro to law (A)
-(103)Global political problems (B+)
-(101)Intro spanish (B+)
-(111)Intro statistics (F)</p>
<p>Fall semester sophormore yeare (19 credits earned)
-Social work 105 (Repeat, A)
-Statistics 111 (Repeat, A+)
-English 101 (A)
-Comparative political instituions 250 (A)
-Service learning 293 (A+)
-Geology 101 (A)
-Geology 101 lab (A) </p>
<p>Spring Semester Sophomore year (21 credits earned)
-English 102 (A+)
-Political science 314 civil liberties (A+)
-Service learning 493 (A+)
-Organization communication 293 (A+)
-Theology of the apocalypse 293 (A)
-Political Theory 270 (A)
-Economics 201 (A)</p>
<p>Summer 2009
-study abroad in europe (european legal instituions 495 and international law 496)
---assuming i am going to get A's in both of those classes, probably an A+ in one)</p>
<p>Extra curriculars
-freshman year joined fraternity, wrote for frat newspaper (Fall 07-Spring 08)
-Spring 08 wrote for student newspaper
-Fall 2008 (volunteer at elementary school 4 days a week, worked with kids aftesrchool)
-Spring 2009 (did advocacy for student study abroad group)
-worked with two vietnamese studnets in an english conversation partner program
-worked with school for womans walk for water event
-invited to represent service learning department in wvu board of governors luncheon </p>
<p>Other aids
-great letter of recomendation from the vice-chair of my department
-great letter of recomendation from my political theory professor
-very good writer, not to brag and i know this post doesnt show it (im lazy right now) but i can write an extremely good essay, very wide vocabulary intricate sentance structures and all that stuff (again i know this post looks horrible but when push comes to shove i can write quite well)
-lived all over the world, (born in argentina, lived there for three months, lived in south africa for six years, israel for three years, miami florida for eight years)
-hispanic (dont know if this will help, don't think it will but hey you never know)</p>
<p>what i plan on doing before i transfer
-get an internship this fall at a think tank and get something published (full time)
-Spring 2010 maybe work as an intern for the american bar assocation or the district attorney or prosecutor in my home town</p>
<p>So that being said what do you guys think my chances are like for transfering and what type of schools do you all think i could get into</p>