what do you guys think of my schedule

<p>doesnt seem to shabby</p>

<p>ENG 101 First-Year Composition<br>
KIN 194 Topic: Forager/Couch Potato:Obesity/Diabetes Epidemics<br>
MAT 142 College Mathematics<br>
PHI 105 Intro to Ethics<br>
POS 110 Government and Politics<br>
POS 191 Topic: So, you wanna be a lawyer?</p>

<p>I think it sucks, because it’s at ASU :stuck_out_tongue: </p>

<p>Just kidding.</p>

<p>(Not really)</p>

<p>sounds boring</p>

<p>rather exciting to me ;)</p>

<p>I don’t know what College Mathematics is, and clearly your last two classes are pieces of ****.</p>

<p>ahahs POS</p>


<p>strong haterz/homos in this thread</p>

<p>I wouldn’t be able to stay awake in any of the classes</p>

<p>Holy pickles and fishsticks!</p>

<p>you asked for an opinion, not everyone is going to agree with your decisions.</p>

<p>But overall, seems pretty easy. Just don’t slack off thinking they’re going to be easy classes so you don’t have to go or do the work. Just my $.02</p>

<p>Would be easier to analyze if you posted days/times as well.</p>

<p>schedule/university fail.</p>

<p>Definitely not my cup of tea.</p>

<p>POS? Shouldn’t it be POLS? </p>

<p>I swear it seems you’re taking classes you don’t really need to be taking. I could be wrong though.</p>



<p>No matter how much profanity I say will undo this.</p>