What do you mean by reach, match, and safety?

<p>Ok, I didn't want to do a major thread necro, so I just created a new thread for this.
What do you guys really mean when you say "reach," "match," and "safety," in reference to top schools? I have a feeling that we all have different standards. For me, it's more of a gut feeling than an actual percentage, but I'll try to quantify it.</p>

<p>Here are mine, approximately:
High reach - <10%
Reach - 5%-30%
Low reach - 20%-50%
High match - 40%-60%
Match - 50%-70%
Low match - 60%-90%
High safety - 90%-95%
Safety - 95%-99.999%</p>

<p>There's some overlap here, of course, and it depends very much on the school applied to and things like my mood (whether I feel like being harsh or not).</p>

<p>Anyway, I'd like to know what you guys use!</p>

<p>I am not chancing by numbers,i do based on feeling.So do colleges,maybe not all the colleges.</p>

<p>Well, yeah, so do I - but you can’t even give rough estimates of what these mean to you?</p>

<p>Out of 10
Sry dude no chnc- 0
High Reach 2
Reach 3.5
High Match 4.5
Match 5.5
Low Match 7.5
High safety 8.5
Safety 10</p>