What do you think about my college list?

<p>The school's that I'm planning to apply to as an econ major are as follows-
1. Yale (legacy)
2. Cornell
3. U penn
4. Duke
5. U Chicago
6. USC (legacy)
8. UCB
10. Stanford (legacy)</p>

<p>My stats are as follows- (4.0 UW with alot of AP's and a 35 ACT with an 8 on the essay). My EC's are not great but I believe that I will be able to write excellent essays. So what do you guys think? Too many schools? Too many reaches? Also white male from southern California.</p>

<p>Which school(s) are those you consider to be your safeties? And have you checked that the colleges (especially the safeties) are affordable?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t consider any of these to be true safeties, though many are matches.</p>

<p>Looks good. Not too many schools. Not too many reaches. Is UCSB the safety? You might want one more UC, but otherwise you look good to go.</p>

<p>By the way, check out Structured Liberal Education (SLE) at Stanford. If you like U Chicago and Yale, it’s a way to get a little more of that LAC feel as a freshman.</p>