What do you think it would take to get revoked by Drexel?

<p>I was just curious because I am really feeling extremely lazy since it is my senior year....Has anyone even heard of someone getting revoked by drexel?</p>

<p>I think to get revoked you’d have fail all your classes, pull the fire alarm at your school, then run around naked, then punch the principal in the face. I’ve really never heard of a case, its called senioritus for a reason.</p>

<p>if you do slack off then just remember it will matter if:

  • you are going to try to do any sort of financial aid appeal or appeal for anything or
  • try to get exempt from some drexel class requirement, or
  • apply for any other scholarships or a
  • apply for job/internship straight into college where they’d want to see your high school transcripts
  • also if you really screw up, last time i checked if you don’t graduate high school and get a diploma, you can’t start college.</p>

<p>HOWEVER, that being said, my unofficial recommondation is go ahead and slack off, party, have a great senior year, don’t let any of the teachers intimidate you that you need an A in their class or college will revoke your admission, and just don’t get arrested or fail too many things!</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>lol… the first para. was pretty funny but anyway nah I am not really failing any classes… I am only little worried about possibly getting a C in AP Eng and AP Bio in my 3rd marking period.</p>

<p>Joe, go ahead and get that C. you’ve been working hard during high school and you deserve to slack off.</p>