What does the Palin Nomination Say about McCain's Judgement?

The term sexism is thrown around way to much.


<p>You mean like racism is being thrown around by the liberals whenever something they don't like is said about Obama? Don't be a hypocrite. If people were talking about Hillary having two breasts and a vagina in a derogatory way you would be having a coronary. No double-standard here.</p>

<p>That was more of a general statement, but OK.</p>

<p>1) I'm not a "liberal". I actually lean right on many issues, but I'm a somewhat reluctant supporter of Obama, even though I can't vote. Foreign policy tips the scale for me, my domestic beliefs line up closer to McCain.</p>

<p>2) I wasn't much of a Hillary fan, so I can assure you that my reaction would fall somewhat short of a coronary.</p>

<p>3) Name calling? really?</p>

You mean like racism is being thrown around by the liberals whenever something they don't like is said about Obama? Don't be a hypocrite.

Given the fact that you're already calling names, and that that rarely happens, I'm going to go ahead and say you're a despicable liar. Have a nice day. :)</p>

<p>Where have I lied?</p>

<p>Dbate, don't you dare call me sexist! My comments meant that the only reason McCain picked Palin was because she was a woman. Which is true. Did you hear her speech, she mentioned that glass ceiling thing with Hillary Clinton so many times! I would have thought that McCain would have at least had the subtlety to not make it so overt that she was pandering to HRC supporters especially when Palin starkly disagrees with the views that HRC holds so dear. It is frickin insulting to HRC that McCain would pick her, so supremely unqualified and weak in her ideals and ethics, as a replacement! It's a frickin insult!! I have no problem with a female being a VP, just this one.</p>

Where have I lied?


racism is being thrown around by the liberals whenever something they don't like is said about Obama

If that was true, you would see that claim every single day since Republicans say things that they don't like about Obama every single day. The only time I can think of such a claim currently was in reference to McCain's celeb ad. There are probably more that I just can't think of, but not a whole lot. To say that it's done that often is frankly ridiculous.</p>

<p>What Palin says about McCain:</p>

<p>1) He's selfish: he cares more about winning the election than putting the country in the hands of a capable (not necessarily experienced) person. Remember, despite Obama's youth and political freshness, he had to go through a rigorous hazing process that were the Democratic primaries and emerged a seasoned and savvy political veteran. Palin, on the other hand, was undemocratically handpicked in a process more akin to an autocracy.</p>

<p>2) He is weak. It's pretty clear what the Republicans are trying to do: put McCain in the White House as a trojan horse candidate then wait for him to croak so they can use Palin as a weak puppet. We'll have more string-pulling from the likes of Cheney and Rove. That's why the Republican bigwigs wanted somebody weak, impressionable, and beholden to them like Palin (as opposed to someone like Kay Bailey Hutchinson). McCain clearly wanted Lieberman or Ridge, but he couldn't stand up to his own party.</p>