What does the Palin Nomination Say about McCain's Judgement?

<p>The nomination of Sarah Palin and its aftermath have turned into a 3-ring circus. It seems quite clear that McCain's team did not vet her properly and that the multiple surprises that are being investigated by the media are an wanted and unexpected series of revelations.</p>

<p>As Barack Obama said before choosing his Vice President, this would be the first, and one of the most, important decisions he would make affecting his putative presidency. Therefore, he took a lot of care, and while he didn't come up with perfection, he did come up with a candidate that even conservatives such as David Brooks avidly support.</p>

<p>What does it say that McCain and his team utterly flubbed this hugely important decision? How can we trust someone who would inflict such a policy neophyte on a nation? McCain is 72 years old after all.</p>


<p>Glad you are amused...I don't think most of the country is -- and it certainly undermines his "value proposition."</p>

<p>But, wow, thank god McCain picked her.</p>

<p>McCain is smarter than you think. He is making fools out of the Dems who make fun of her for being a mother.</p>

<p>There aren't many (I almost said any but I'm sure you can find some loony somewhere on the internet) democrats who make fun of her for being a mother...</p>

He is making fools out of the Dems who make fun of her for being a mother.


<p>People don't make fun of her for being a mother....I actually think it's really sad her family is inevitably getting dragged into the fray. Though I'll be the first to admit there is a lot of schadenfreude on my part.</p>

<p>The fact is she represents a huge misstep for McCain; I don't know if he could've won anyway, but now, it will take something very unexpected for him to get close.</p>

<p>There are many CC's who have said she should stay home and take care of her baby. There are many who have made fun of her for being a mother.</p>

<p>AMom, could you link me to some posts where people are making fun of her for being a mother? I've read lots of not so nice things said about her, but not that.</p>

<p>Yes, there are. How could she leave her children at home. Anyhow... I doubt Palin was his first or even, any choice. This looks like something the RNC forced on him. I could be wrong but I doubt it. It was calculated by Rove and the boys as a strategy to win the election at all costs. Maybe in light of how the Dems always manage to blow the elections the Repubs wanted a challenge and threw this wrinkle in. What excuse are the Dems going to use if they blow this gift laid at their feet?</p>

There are many CC's who have said she should stay home and take care of her baby. There are many who have made fun of her for being a mother.


<p>This I haven't seen, though I don't doubt it...</p>

<p>The NYT had an interesting article about perceptions in this regard. It said that the whole "women should stay at home" debate is in this case being inverted with right-wing Christians being much more supportive of it in Palin's case than they generally are. And the opposite for more feminist groups.</p>

<p>I don't think she should necessarily stay at home for family reasons. </p>

<p>What I don't get is how you think McCain is making fools of Dems when it's quite clear that each hour turns the Palin nomination into a bigger liability for him.</p>

What excuse are the Dems going to use if they blow this gift laid at their feet?


<p>Well, unless something really unexpected happens, they won't have to rehearse those excuses....</p>

<p>Okay, since you are doubling-down pmlrcomm:</p>

What excuse are the Dems going to use if they blow this gift laid at their feet? </p>

<p>Well, unless something really unexpected happens, they won't have to rehearse those excuses....</p>

<p>Humor me. I didn't think it was possible to lose in '04 but you snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. It's actually the Dems incompetence in choosing decent candidates that has made it tough to consider voting for one (although it appears the Repubs are closing the gap).</p>

<p>There are all kinds of post on CC that make fun of her for being a mother, and on other liberal sites as well.</p>

<p>BTW, McCain has said over the weekend he made his decision in Feb. and a few of his people knew about it. She has been checked out by the FBI and other organizations.</p>

<p>McCain is letting the Dems show themselves as sexist.</p>

There are all kinds of post on CC that make fun of her for being a mother, and on other liberal sites as well.

Link please.</p>

McCain is letting the Dems show themselves as sexist.

See, here's where you have a problem. There's a difference between not supporting a woman because she's obviously unqualified and not supporting a woman because she's a woman. You're having the same problem that Michelle Bachmann had with James Carville on Larry King Live. Carville said "Sarah Palin is supremely unqualified and uniquely underqualified" or something to that effect and Michelle Bachmann said "That's demeaning to women." It's completely ridiculous.</p>

Link please.


<p>Seconded .</p>

<p>^Just read the posts about Palin on CC. It's not that hard to find, really.</p>

McCain is letting the Dems show themselves as sexist.


<p>Uh, which party came very close to nominating a woman to be its presidential candidate? Was it the same party that nominated a female VP candidate what was it a couple of decades ago?</p>

<p>And the example of Carville and Bachmann is perfect because she was claiming Carville an avid HRC backer was sexist.</p>

<p>Here: <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/parent-cafe/559082-all-about-sarah-palin-merged-threads.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/parent-cafe/559082-all-about-sarah-palin-merged-threads.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>or try:dailykos.com</p>

<p>There are many posts that make fun of Palin just because she is mother.</p>

<p>Breaking</a> News and Opinion on The Huffington Post
Sexism at its finest.</p>

<p>No one ever questions if Obama's fit to be father or that Joe Biden was a terrible president because his son toked up.</p>