<p>I just finished watching the Vice Presidential debate and the impression I got was that Joe Biden showed himself to be the much more knowledgable and articulate of the two candidates. It seemed to me that Sarah Palin would frequently ignore the question that had been asked in order to talk about Alaska or energy, and that it was noticeable when she would refer to the same talking point or stock phrase more than once in a given answer. Although she didn't stumble or fall (except for when she babbled for two minutes after Biden attacked McCain's education record before managing to get back on track), she also didn't display anything that would cause independents to be more likely to vote for her ticket.</p>
<p>Biden, on the other hand, was focused and professional, and displayed much greater proficiency in attacking Senator McCain's record and countering Palin's assertions regarding Barack Obama. His extreme wealth of experience showed through as well, with the majority of his arguments backed up with concrete examples and data, including many references to specific achievements in the Senate on his own part. He also, in my opinion, made a much more convincing connection to middle-class voters with his story about his wife and children than Palin did, and didn't appear insincere while doing so.</p>
<p>According to the graph showing immediate reactions from a sample group of uncommitted Ohio voters, Biden was a clear favorite among that crucial voter group (even granting that the sample leaned slightly toward Obama-Biden).</p>
<p>Other opinions? I'm anxious to read what the pundits will say. This debate marks the first time I've been really excited about this campaign.</p>