What does the score report actually contain?

<p>Does the SAT score report state your "GPA" in it? I just logged on to my SAT account and when I clicked "compare your score" I noticed it had something about my GPA- but it's not the right GPA! My GPA is actually HIGHER than that, so Im really angry about that. I don't want colleges to see that "GPA" because, well, it's not even my GPA. I tried to go to my profile and see where I could update my GPA but I couldn't find it. So I want to know what colleges see when they receive the score report. I know it obviously has the scores of each section and the percentiles... but what else? It doesn't include stuff like your "GPA" (which may not even be your real GPA), right?</p>


<p>I think it just has your scores from every time you’ve taken the SAT or subject tests and the date you took them. The GPA recorded by the collegeboard is self reported, and may not be accurate.</p>