What East Coast universities must be on the list of a male soccer athlete? Class is 2023

Hello. I am working on the college list and am looking for ideas of colleges to consider.
A bit about me:

  1. I am currently attending specialized Highschool in NYC
  2. I play for On the MLSNext soccer club. My resume is all about soccer. I practice 4 days a week and play 1-2 days on the weekend. When i am not in school or playing, I am watching or reading about soccer.
  3. My SAT 1500 (MATH 790, English 710)
  4. My GPA 3.4
  5. I am considering law school but for undergrad interested in studying political science and computer science
  6. I would like to stay in NYC or within ease driving distance to NYC. But if there is a university to consider outside of this range I’d like to hear about it.
  7. By the time I graduate I will have about 5 or 6 APs completed

Please share your thoughts on what universities should be on my list and why.

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Haven’t you already started athletic recruiting?? If not, get on it asap.

Aside from being in nyc, what else are you looking for in a college? Would you consider other cities? We need more info to be helpful. Have you visited any schools?

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Are you a rising senior? Have you had contact with any coaches? What college soccer level do your coaches say you should be targeting?

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I want to play D1 level. I’ve began the process but don’t have any firm commitments so working on plan B as it is a highly competitive process.

Yes. Would definitely consider other cities. If I am not recruited I’d like to get into the most academically rigorous school i can to have a good prospect to get a job after. I would prefer to stay in the cities or near by vs. rural (e.g., Boston, NYC, Philadelphia)

Aside from casting a wide net, and continuing to contact and talk with coaches, I don’t have much to add. It is smart to have a separate list of schools where you would not play soccer.

What major/career are you targeting?

What is your college budget, per year?

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Based on not being recruited and having a 3.4, Drexel, St Joe, La Salle, VCU, U Hartford might be schools to look at. If you’re open to close to city, CUNY, a few SUNY and schools in NJ like Ramapo.

Taking the d1soccer out it etc.

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I am very familiar with soccer recruiting, and know how competitive it is. Your coach’s assessment of what level you are is most important. But, if you aren’t committed yet, I would guess you are low D1/high D3. Why not consider some larger d3 schools? Tufts, the University of Rochester, etc? Or, if you are open to them, LACs?

Really think about the soccer piece. I have known two really strong players, one was recruited to Michigan and the other to Georgetown. So that tells you they can really play, right? In three years, the Michigan player has gotten zero minutes of playing time. The Georgetown player hasn’t been there 3 years, but he, too, hasn’t stepped on the field in a game. If you are ok with that, that’s fine. But those players could also have been playing every minute of every game had they gone d3.

The other thing is that getting recruited doesn’t stop the competition for a roster spot. Many teams cut recruited players. If you are one of the weaker players on the team, you will be at risk.

You may well have thought all this through already, but in case you haven’t I thought it was worth bringing up.


This is supper helpful. Thank you for sharing. It is aligned with my current thinking and is the reason why I am looking for other options and considering not playing for college. What D3 schools in the East Coast do you think I would be able to get in based on my academics.

Well then, you would be crazy not to leverage soccer recruiting to get into an academically rigorous school. I know a soccer player who got into Williams with a 3.4 gpa.

Schools to consider: Emory, NYU, Skidmore (might not be a big enough city), Tufts, Rochester, Case Western, Babson, Bates (setting may not be urban enough), Trinity, Connecticut College etc.

I don’t know how much leeway the University of Chicago gives its athletic recruits, but it wouldn’t hurt to reach out to the coach.

You probably right. What I am learning is that I don’t have enough on my resume due to the hours invested into soccer playing, traveling, etc. I will research the schools you suggested. If you think of any other please let me know.

I am very interested in Cornell and Duke to be honest but not sure if there is a way to get into Cornell for example without soccer.

My son’s friend is a rising sophomore at sacred heart, he was recruited and got a lot of playing time last season. I’m not sure of his gpa but I suspect he had some B’s.

Thank you. How does he like the school academically?

You don’t need more on your resume if you are a recruited athlete. I’m blunter than usual today, as I am sleep deprived, but I don’t think either Duke or Cornell is possible with a 3.4 without soccer; and you would already know if they were seriously interested in you as a soccer player.


These statements should be pinned!

So many student-athletes (and their parents) don’t give adequate mindshare to potential playing time and/or consideration as to whether the student-athlete will even continue to make the team for four years.

For OP: We can all make better recommendations if you tell us your budget, major, career goals, whether the 3.4 GPA is unweighted/core courses only, and your course rigor (such as number of honors courses, senior year math course, whether you have 4 years of each of the 5 core areas).


The 3.4 GPA is unweighted but from a very competitive NYC specialized high-school. The school only offers honors and AP level classes and you have to get a high score on SHSAT to get in. There only 8 schools like this in NYC. They don’t offer weighted GPA.

My interests are computer science, politics, economics, history. Long term would like to attend law school.

I will not qualify for financial aid and assume will not get a scholarship based.


I know. And getting recruited at D3 is not guaranteed either. That is why I am working on a list without soccer and posted here.

Change your username so it’s not a variation of your real name

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What colleges has your HS GC recommended?

A couple of posters have made some good suggestions so far…any interest in those schools?

In addition, you might consider Fordham, George Washington, American, U Mass Amherst, U Delaware, U Maryland, Lehigh, U Rochester.

Would you consider LACs if you don’t play your sport?

If it’s competitive how is your counseling? A 3.4 wont get you into any school mentioned I don’t believe but I’m taking out the soccer aspect. But if your school is at another level maybe I’m wrong and your counselor would know.

I’d have thought the soccer thing would be in motion by now but don’t know.