little bio: born in Mexico, raised in Mexico, Idaho, Indiana, Ohio.
Current school is on the foothills of the Indian Himalayas (since eleventh grade). Its a private school, but my great-aunt is paying for the whole thing, plus i'm on a scholarship. (nothing comes from my family's pockets)
other HS: okay public school in rural Idaho, okay public school in rural Ohio.
fluent in spanish!
American citizen! yay!
Parents both have graduate degrees.
Family income: $about 60,000 (my dad is unemployed since he got a terminal illness)
Rough stuff:
SAT CR: 700 M: 600 (i'm taking it once, hoping to get CR over 700 and Math around 650)
SAT II: Spanish, 760; Lit, 700; Bio, 700.
GPA. UW, 3.8 (little weird since I have switched schools a million times)
i'd say i'm in the top 8-15 in my class of 62ish
APs: AP Comp. Politics and Government, 5; AP English Language and Comp, 5.</p>
<p>Curriculum senior year:
AP English Lit and Comp
AP Euro Hist
AP Environmental Science
AP Stats
(all grades are A- or above)
Hindi IV (skipped Hindi II and III and went from I in elevent to IV now)
advanced orchestra (1st chair clarinet), advanced band (principal clarinet), jazz band (1st chair tenor sax), indian music ensamble</p>
<p>i play the clarinet (since 5th grade), the sax, the tabla (an indian drum), and the violin. (submitted music supplement)</p>
<p>ECs: (not all at present school, some at old school)
FOUNDED Spanish club at my school in India (11 grade). Co-pres.
FOUNDED a program that takes high school musicians into the surrounding schools, hospitals, villages, etc. to give locals a chance to experience classical music which is HARDLY EVER possible in India
co-pres of debate club
speech and debate all four years
lots of community service always
RIDICULOUS amounts of theater at high school, colleges, community, semi-pro, and regional theaters, plus competitions
writing center coach--i tutor kids who have a hard time speaking or writing english about 2 hrs per week</p>
<p>other about me stuff:
i love languages, especially Hindi, Arabic, Spanish, and Sanskrit.
I love reading philosophy and reading in general
i love music and theater
i want to major in political science and foreign languages</p>
<p>essays: pretty good
recs: pretty good</p>
<p>college list:
WashU in StLouis
U Pittsburgh, pittsburgh campus
new college of florida
CCNY- city college</p>