What exactly does "religious affiliation" mean?

<p>Lots of colleges write that they are affiliated with a certain religion, whether it be Roman Catholic, Methodist, etc. What does this mean and how does it impact your education/environment?</p>

<p>I am not a very religious person, and i'm wondering if applying to a school with a religious affiliation that i'm not with is going to put me in an environment where i'm a misfit.</p>

<p>Schools i'm wondering about specifically are Boston College, Notre Dame, and Georgetown.</p>

<p>Sometimes it means alot and sometimes it means nothing. Notre Dame is very Catholic. Georgetown is a Jesuit University and requires two religion courses, however, you are able to select from a large variety of courses and most are not about Catholicism. In fact, many students rave about the religion courses at Georgetown. You need to research requirements and ask current students. Some schools are affiliates in name only, some practice religion on a daily basis.</p>

<p>From what I've found, at religious universities, there tend to be a few requirements on religion and a bunch of religious people. Should that affect your decisions? Depends on what kind of person you are. I myself am an atheist. Let's just say that it was pretty easy to eliminate some colleges from my list. <em>coughnotredamegeorgetowndukecough</em></p>