<p>What font, font size, and spacing should I use with my essays?</p>
<p>Should I stick to the generic Times New Roman?</p>
<p>Right now I have size 11 Sylfaen. I really like that font, but should I change it?</p>
<p>What font, font size, and spacing should I use with my essays?</p>
<p>Should I stick to the generic Times New Roman?</p>
<p>Right now I have size 11 Sylfaen. I really like that font, but should I change it?</p>
<p>hahhhaa...stick with Times New Roman 12. It's just part of the rules of professionalism</p>
<p>also, should I make sure that the essay fits onto one page?</p>
<p>And what spacing should I use?</p>