What Happens In College History Classes?

<p>I took a history elective with 150 people. However we are also required to sign up for another class with only 25 people. The teacher had a really good rating on ratemyprof and everyone seemed to love him so I'm hoping the class should be fairly easy and interesting. What will most likely be the marking scheme and what goes on in class?
Is it just going to be my prof lecturing? Will there be a lot of tests/quizes or essays? Will I ever have to do a presentation or debate?
This is a first year elective about the 20th century.</p>

<p>I know it varies on the school but judging by the class size and personal experience what do you think?</p>

<p>Based on my experience…</p>

<p>The class with 150 people is likely to be a straight-up lecture. Not likely to be any tests/quizzes aside from the midterms and final exam.</p>

<p>The class with 25 people will vary. I’d be prepared for a participation-heavy discussion class, although some people get sections with a TA that likes to lecture. This was where quizzes or other written work were more likely to happen.</p>

<p>Have you checked out your syllabus? That will give you the information on how your class will be conducted.</p>

<p>Depends… all of my history courses have been small, as such we did a lot of discussion, reading of various books, test taking, and of course huge papers…</p>

<p>A class with 150 people is going to be lecture and maybe a bit of discussion thrown in, depending on what kind of history is being taught.</p>

<p>Expect the 25 person class to be mostly discussion.</p>

<p>In my history class over the summer, my professor just read off his Powerpoint lectures. That was it. If attendance wasn’t mandatory, I would’ve skipped lecture altogether and just studied from the lecture slides that he also uploaded onto Blackboard.</p>