What Harvard or Other Super Competitive Colleges look in internationals.


If not, then you're in the hyper-competitive (even for Harvard standards) pool for International applicants.



You will need outstanding stats to be competitive in the international pool.


<p>These are the posts from some other threads. </p>

<p>Despite the Common saying that all applicants are (whether international or local) judged in the same pool, it does not seem quite true.
[<em>] Is excessive focus given to scores (sat, GPA) than on other elements like ECAs or Passions? Actually, a counsellor did tell me that SAT are given highest priority.
[</em>] Is international pool hyper-competitive because unlike native applicants, internationals prefer to apply to harvard disregard of their sat, gpa, ecs and so one and only because Harvard is their dream college? Or are internationals also competitive. Quantitatively speaking, are more than 50% internationals with 2400 on sat rejected as well?
[<em>] My prediction might not be based on fact, but I generally find international students have poor ECs compared to native students. How true is that?
[</em>]Someone told me that if other things are fine, low Critical Reading scores might be pardoned for English as Second Language students. How true is that?

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>I feel like to get in as an international student, your ec’s will have to be much more outstanding than native students’; I am not sure of that fact however.</p>

<p>The fact is that Harvard (and a few others: with their full financial needs met for admitted internationals), will receive a billion applications from Internationals. </p>

<p>Given that immense pool and the limited slots allocated for Internationals — how are they to choose? Answer that question if you can.</p>

<p>It is actually relatively simple. Harvard is looking for people who will be the most influential on the world stage in the future. It is not just about the academics.</p>


Well, that means, they look, primarily, for ECs, Passions, Legacies, Leadership right?</p>