what impressed you most in Rice

<p>well this is my first thread in cc.
my ed will be rice or cornell, depending on my SAT score. i'm a Asian so it's impossible for me to visit rice on campus. but, i eagerly wanna know something special, not general information, that makes Rice stand out. could you guys think of something? thanks</p>

<p>Residential Colleges. Check them out.</p>

<p>Vital, integral residential college system...by far.</p>

<p>All the awesome and cool and unique traditions/events, like Beer Bike and NOD.</p>

<p>5:1 student-faculty ratio.</p>

<p>Access to the 4th biggest city in the country, home to the biggest number of Fortune 500 companies (sorry NYC, you lucked out this year).</p>

<p>Across the street from the world's biggest medical district, Texas Medical Center. If you're premed, there will be ample opportunities for research and internships both on-campus and off-campus at TMC.</p>

<p>Emphasis on undergraduate research, and overall emphasis on undergraduates (no overbearing presence of graduate students/schools). Very undergraduate-oriented.</p>

<p>Ease and flexibility of majoring in cross disciplines.</p>

<p>Very friendly and approachable students, collaborative rather than competitive atmosphere (I can say otherwise for Cornell). The kids here are also quite brilliant, and it never ceases to amaze me everyday how smart everyone here is, really.</p>

<p>Rice Owl baseball!</p>

<p>Sunny weather all year round :) Though at times it can get quite humid.</p>

<p>North Servery food rocks ;)</p>

<p>Generally costs THOUSANDS less in tuition in comparison to comparable universities. Regarding private universities, you get the biggest bang for your buck here at Rice.</p>

<p>Excellent graduate school rates. Over 90% medical school placement for Rice students last year.</p>


North Servery food rocks

I was with you up to this point.</p>

<p>You don't like North Servery food? You're at Martel, no? How can you disagree that its the best place to get food on campus?</p>

<p>Anywho, <em>I</em> think North Servery food is the best.</p>

<p>Calling it the best on campus is one thing, but I can't say I'd agree that it "rocks." Except for the cowboy burgers; those are awesome.</p>

<p>I hate making the hike but the food at North is much better then anything we have at the South colleges.
And yes, the best part is the college system!</p>

<p>Could you guys say more about the residential colleges?</p>

<p>Look at the top of the Rice thread and click on 100 reasons to go to Rice. Sooooo much is covered in there.</p>

<p>US News & World Report says Rice is the best value for a college in the country. More education for your buck!</p>

<p>D is a jr. It has a small student body and lots of teachers and facilities.</p>

<p>It offers lots of tuition breaks.</p>

<p>How can you apply ED to Rice if you know nothing about it?</p>

<p>Go search on the website for Residential Colleges if you're interested..</p>

<p>The more I read about them the more I like the residential colleges.</p>

<p>I've visited several schools and Rice's campus was the nicest by far (the closest to it was BC and Rice beat that one out by a fair margin).</p>

<p>I have a friend who lived in Ithaca for 3 years. It's cold. There's nothing to do. There's too much snow. It sucks. Come to Rice.</p>

<p>What's nice about the residential college system is that it becomes a community that you always feel welcome in and your college becomes your home. The upperclassmen don't look down at freshmen like their pond scum, I have several friends who are upperclassmen. I also know every freshman in my college, where else could you say that? I never feel awkward at meals sitting down at any table because I always see a familiar face. I have plenty of friends in other colleges but most of my friends are at Sid!</p>

<p>The residential college system, location in Houston (great for internships/hands on work), uh the biomed/bioengineering research and nanotechnology use, teacher=student low ration, large endowment--> more opprotunities for research, racial diversity/segregation, and prestige!</p>

<p>D is a junior.</p>

<p>Access to professors & TA's. You aren't just a number @ Rice.</p>

<p>My son is interest in Rice or Vanderbilt/ Engineering
4.0 UW
5.4 Weighted
NM semi finalist
Math 800
Crit Reading 7
Tennis freshman and JV Sophomore
EC are:
Eagle Scout
Good internship at UT
Stuco Pres - freshman
Mu Alpha Theta
NSHS - treasurer
DECA nationals
teaches elemntary school kids chess
He wants to have a life at college
What is the better fit and where would he get in with a scholarship? Any other suggestions?</p>



<p>Good for him. Now go post those stats in a more appropriate thread.</p>

<p>Houston, awesome Natural Sciences, Century Scholar program (I really hope I get it, applying for Rice '13), a few of the professors there are interesting (professor of Oceanography, my tentative career plan, is doing arctic research… awesome), 5:1 ratio, best-done residential college system in the country (from what I’ve seen at Yale and Bowdoin, the res. colleges aren’t their greatest strength… and don’t seem to be too integrated) 3000 undergrads =P</p>