What is a normal # of credits to take each semester?

<p>I want to see if I can graduate in 3 years.</p>

<p>You need 120 credits to graduate, so that means most people average 15 credit hours a semester to graduate in 4 years. To graduate in 3 years you would need to take 20 each semester, unless you have college credit from high school. 20 hours/semester is a crazy amount and most advisors won’t even let you do that. 3 years is very difficult unless you have credits from high school.</p>

<p>No harm in trying, if as my DS had 29 credits going in, 15 credits per semester and now after 7 semesters he has 104 credits, one more semester and he will be done. If you do well in High School it is possible with transfer credits. My son will double major also, but dont take more the 18 credits per semester / 6 classes, you can do that and still have a great time at UofA, my DS has had a blast.</p>