What is a Quad, Triple, Double, Townhouse, etc etc?

<p>Hey, I’m applying for housing right now. I haven’t recieved my package yet, but I know I got in.</p>

<p>However, the website doesnt give any information on</p>

<li>Quads (what is this?)</li>
<li>Triples (3 people to a room?)</li>
<li>Townhouse Apartment Double (available to transfers?)</li>

<p>because the housing website asks me to rank those types of rooms in order of preference, I need information on them!</p>

<p>thanks a lot!</p>

<p>Hey. I was in the same situation as you.
I might be wrong, but from what I know:
- Singles: obviously, 1 person/room
- Doubles: 2persons/rooms
- Triples: yup, 3 persons/room
- Quads: two small double rooms, sharing a small common room between them
- Townhouse: small houses with their own kitchen, etc, and two double rooms. </p>

<p>Hope this helps. And that other people add more info to this.</p>

<p>ahh i c...thanks a lot!</p>

<p>Darn, I thought quads ,meant four people in a room! I should have picked quad over triple!</p>

<p>yeah same here....poop happens......they wont let me change either....i havent even signed the form yet...</p>

<p>I thought the same about quads initially, but posting a question, a Cornell student responded, telling me she was in a quad, and that was what the quad represented. I guess we were all misled by the name...</p>

<p>showmetheway: can't you change your options at the end when you review the form???</p>

<p>yeah, I remember while I was looking at the brochure, I was like, "Why is quad more expensive than triple? Who would be stupid enough to pay more and live with 3 other people?" lol</p>