<p>What is a typical rate for summer freshman internship at IB banks or hedge funds? Do these companies pay or expect most of the people to work for free? </p>
<p>If someone receives an offer for an internship to work right in a prestigious company right at Wall Street, how many hours are typical for working? </p>
<p>By the way apart from summer housing in New York City, how much a person need for expanses such as food and other items everyday if they eat at moderate places. Thanks</p>
<p>I do believe large institution pays market rate so if you can get in, you will be payed pretty well. You can anywhere from 500-2000 a week, basically a portion of your time spent will equal a portion of the salary.</p>
<p>Hedge funds are a different field. I am not positive on the pay rate there but it all depends on how big the company is and their policies regarding interns. Some pay and some don't.</p>
<p>Usually, they expect you to work anywhere from 20-40 hours per week during the summer.</p>
<p>I can not comment on expenses for living in NY.</p>
<p>Once they take out City, State and Fed. taxes, you would be lucky to cover expenses living and eating in NYC. But there's always Jersey City and Hoboken across the Hudson river with trains, buses and ferries.</p>
<p>But I can speak on IBD and S&T internships at BBs. They will pay 60,000 prorated to roughly 2300 bi-weekly (pre-tax) and roughly 1500 biweekly (post-tax).</p>
<p>Additionally, many will pay summer analysts a housing stipend ranging from $1k to $4k.</p>
<p>Hedge Funds. I don't know. I'd imagine there could be a wide range in compensation for them.</p>
<p>Getting a freshman internship at a BB bank (or hedge fund) is quite difficult. I would imagine they pay you similar to a sophomore or junior, which will be fairly good, until you realize that you have to pay taxes and live in New York.</p>
<p>Unfortunately both hedge funds who have offering a potential internship are offering $10.50 rate per hour. Student currently attends Harvard. While working for an economics professor as research assistance, he is getting around similar rate per hour. However as a student this money is a work study and his living expanses are not part of it. Looks like without any potential connection this is the best he can get to get the foot in the door. Oh well…….</p>
<p>I have a great shot at getting an internship with someone who has plenty of experience in investing this summer, for his hedge fund. I'm going to have dinner with him soon, to discuss an internship over the summer. Man it's great to have good contacts, :).</p>
<p>yep bpk1, isnt it?
i have a meeting with a hedge fund CFO to discuss internships in like 1 week, only i'm going to have lunch with him instead of dinner lol.</p>
<p>Majayiduke09, $2300 bi weekley is quite low for a BB! Here in london I'm getting paid $3600 at a non-BB and $3200 at a top BB, if you convert and calculate it bi-weekly</p>