What is better? (Please Answer, very important)

<p>I am going to take Chemistry at a college this summer. I already took chem as a Sophomore, I am doing it to get a class and also to take the SAT 2 in Oct. Anyway, my real problem is where to take it. I have two choices:</p>

<p>Choice #1</p>

<p>Take Chemistry through a pre-collegiate program at UC Berkeley. I live like 25-30 miles from Berkeley.</p>

<p>Advantages -</p>

<h1>The addition of Berkeley Summer Sessions on your college application</h1>

<h1>A personal letter of commendation from the Director of Berkeley Summer Sessions, if you earn passing grades</h1>

<h1>A UC Berkeley transcript for completed coursework</h1>

<h1>College credit that may be transferable to another college program</h1>

<p>Problems -</p>

<p>This will cost my family a bunch of money, application is like $385, and the class is 4 units, and its like $1150 or something. Total cost for everything will probably be around $1500 or so. Not including cost of travel. </p>

<p>Choice #2</p>

<p>Take Chem at a local community college for less the $100. I get like 4 or 5 UC' Transferable credits. </p>

<p>I want to go to UCB,UCLA,UCSD,UCD,etc.... </p>

<p>So my question is... which choice is better? The Berkeley one will cost me alooooot of money, but it does give me a recommendation letter. Also, I get to take an actual couse there, etc... Is the price worth it? To take the course for all of its advantages.</p>

<p>So, whats better?</p>

<p>(Please give thoughtful answers, very important)</p>

<p>Doesn’t your high school offer AP Chemistry? If it does, I would certainly take this instead of going to a university or community college over the summer. </p>

<p>Speaking as a parent, I think you are spending alot of money on a course, and I’m not sure it is worth it. Remember, you academic career does not end after high school. In college you will have another 4 years to take all kinds of classes.</p>

<p>There are lots of interesting things to do over the summer that look good on a college application–Habitate, teaching computer skills to the elderly, volunteering at the local soup kitchen, and don’t underestimate the appeal of actually having a summer job like a bag boy at the supermarket.</p>

<p>No, my school does not have AP Chemistry. I have taken all the advanced sciences available, Physics, Bio,etc…</p>

<p>Also, I have been doing community service for the past 2 years. If I take this Berkeley course, I can continue to do service. because this course is 8-9:30. Which leaves me time to do more service and maybe get a job. While the community college course is right in the middle of the day for like 3+ hours.</p>

<p>My question is… will it look good to take the Berkeley course? My parents want me to take it for the recommendation and the fact that I will have Berkeley on my transcript. Worth the price?</p>

<p>Also…wolfpackmom, a local job like that looks good?</p>

<p>^Edit on this. The chemistry at the community college is 11-12:30. So, same time.</p>

<p>More opinions please!</p>

<p>Is distance a factor as far as your study group is concerned? My youngest is a junior taking AP Chem, and their group meets constantly to go over labs and study for tests. I also have a daughter who is a chem engineering major, and there is a study group for just about every single class. Is the course at Berkeley something that rising college students take, or will the class be primary kids who are already students and live on or near campus? </p>

<p>And yes, getting a job that helps to pay for college looks good on an application.</p>

<p>I think just taking a class this summer is a good idea. Doesn’t need to be expensive. Just showing the ambition of spending your summer learning instead of playing video games will put you in a good light on college apps. If you’re majoring in sciences, don’t test out of chemistry. take it in college. just take something to give you a leg up. use CLEP and AP to get out of those required core curriculums.</p>

<p>Good luck to you!</p>

<p>[Berkeley</a> - Summer Session - Travel Study](<a href=“http://summer.berkeley.edu/mainsite/pre-collegiate/]Berkeley”>http://summer.berkeley.edu/mainsite/pre-collegiate/)</p>

<p>^It says that 200 high school students take it every year. At the application process, it has a option for a UC Graduate as well. </p>

<p>Thanks Montegut.</p>

<p>Another question, will it hurt to take the class at Berkeley. We are not rich, but we do have money. Like will it just make me look like I am rich or something? My parents don’t mind paying if it helps.</p>


<p>Others please!</p>

<p>Well, if you want to get into Berkeley, and if you’re willing to pay, then I would definitely suggest that you do the pre collegiate program at Berk. Personally, I’m deciding between the Berk program (moleculer bio-ish class that’s only 3 credits) and some other programs (UPenn, UCLA, etc (got accepted into the programs but dwelling morbidly over the exorbitant amount of money needed); the con side to taking the program at Berk for me is that I live an hour and a half away :frowning: But I’m still considering it (I want to try and get into Berkeley too :slight_smile: ) But for you, since Berk is relatively close by, I would definetely jump at the chance. You should also do volunteer work and get a job and or intern while you’re at it so your summer is nice and productive. And… if you want to be even more dazzling, you could always take another chem course at the community college at the same time :)</p>

<p>Wow, congrats on getting accepted to those programs. I really haven’t looked into summer programs or interns. I was just going to take a class and do service or get a job. I took Psychology at the community college last year, while doing community service. </p>

<p>I am leaning towards Berkeley, but Im not sure. I think taking another class is overkill for me lol. I think Im good with taking a class and doing community service (or/and getting a job). </p>

<p>btw, Do you think it hurts you by joining expensive programs?</p>

<p>Haha, that’s a good idea-- don’t kill yourself over the summer. :slight_smile:
And on the subject of expensive programs, if you’re going to a program that’s selective (aka not accepting everyone with a loaded wallet, regardless of their 1.5 GPA) then I’m sure it’s fine. It just shows colleges that you’re thinking for the future, etc. I got accepted into research programs at respectable schools, so I think it’s good. As long as you show colleges that you’re mature and ready for the future, I’m sure they won’t really care, as long as you don’t go around declaring in your admissions essay that you’re dirt poor-- but have on your admissions that you went to like, Harvard SSP (ridiculously expensive) for the summer(s). The thing about these programs at prestigious schools is that they’re great for answering the question, “Why (insert college here) is a good choice, etc” For me, I really want to go to UPenn (#1 choice), and I think that by going to the summer program, I’ll have a good idea of how to answer those questions. </p>

<p>For me personally, regardless of where I go, I’m going to at least take online community college classes so I can get credit heh. :)</p>

<p>Alright thanks and good luck with UPenn.</p>

<p>Any others please?</p>

<p>Thank you to all that replied. </p>

<p>After talking to friends and family, I have decided to go to Berkeley, I believe it will help me in the long run. With Berkeley, I hope to continue my community service and possibly get a job.</p>