<p>I'm just curious as to what defines whether a student or not is considered to be part of a 'legacy' by the admissions faculty.</p>
<p>My dad attended Harvard as an undergrad and moved on to Harvard Law; my mom went to Yale and now holds a high-ranking position (no, I'm not going to say what it is so creepers don't find out my mom's name) among the Yale faculty. However, no other members of my family (grandparents, uncles, etc) have gone to Harvard or Yale. So would I be considered 'legacy' at these two schools or not?</p>
<p>Most colleges ask on their supplements if you have/had any family members there. Unfortunately, the two schools at which I have legacy and to which I am applying are the only two schools on my list that do not ask… How would I notify them of this fact, especially since the person who is my legacy doesn’t have the same last name as me?</p>