What is it like to be an RA in college?

Hi there! I am thinking about becoming an RA (room advisor, resident assistant, etc.) in college, does anyone know what it is like? How busy is an RA’s schedule?

It’s a job! And a competitive one to get at most schools.it involves some evening and weekend work.

@thumper1 Do you know what features might make you appealing when applying? Also, what do you handle? I’ve asked many of my older friends and they all say “paperwork”, but I would like to know what type and what other things RAs handle. (Sorry for all the questions!)

My older daughter was an RA. The main things I remember about her experience are that she had to work some evenings and weekends, which meant staying either in her room or an office (I’m not sure which) for those periods, and that she really did not like the blowback she got from residents when she had to mediate disputes, e.g., telling someone to “Turn down your music” when someone else complained. The reactions from the “offenders” were sometimes very mean and personal.

We’ve had several extended family members who were RAs. They were the kinds of students who participated in dorm activities and as a result were known to some of the people making the hiring decisions.

You will always be on duty and working long (sometimes overnight) shifts during the bi weekend; homecoming and all other big events at the school. You must check upon the drunk and belligerent. You must enforce the school’s policies especially when it comes to overnight guest on big weekends, even though. Your friends are looking for you to make an an exception for them. You must be amongst the first to return at the beginning of the school term, return from breaks and among the last to leave when it is time to go home. You must set up activities for your dorm and set up things for others during finals. People only want to look at the free room, but you ear every dollar for that room