<p>Just wondering about your opinions on this:</p>
<p>Let's say Student A slacked off a bit during freshman/soph years, mostly getting Bs but started working harder junior/senior years and now gets straight As. Student B has consistently been a B+/A- student all four years of high school. </p>
<p>Who seems like a better student?</p>
<p>This is all hypothetical of course (so no need to be like LIST ALL THEIR ECS AND SAT SCORES ;)), I'm simply wondering how colleges perceive high school grades.</p>
<p>Hm, I definitely agree that consistent excellence is better than an upward trend.</p>
<p>BUT, what happens when the person with the upward trend is earning better grades (A/A+) during his/her later years in high school than the consistent student who has earned decent (B+/A-) grades that are not necessarily on par with upward trend student?</p>
<p>It is the best if you have all A’s since freshmen year, but if don’t have that, then upward trend is better. I wouldn’t pick either path if I have the ability to decide which path to take. Do your best.</p>