<p>My daughter wants NYU, our college consultant says NYU is gonna be harder to get in than Michigan and maybe Cornell this year because it's what they call in the business of college admissions "situationally popular" (meaning it's a good school that has gotten way more competitive cause of it's growing popularity.)</p>
<p>She has a 4.3 weighted GPA (maybe a 3.75 unweighted?) Public High School
770 reading
730 Writing
550 Math (her achilles heel)</p>
<p>High honor roll, school newsletter editor, a few strong clubs, Honor and Spanish honor society,community service awards, Summer study programs since freshman year (Brown, princeton, and Oxford. This summer shes taking classes AT NYU for college credit (maybe shows real interest?) Hundreds of hours volunteering at Nursing Home with elderly, works a part-time job, published writer, 7 AP's by graduation.</p>
<p>Unbelievable rec's and I'm assuming she'll kick butt on essay as that's her passion</p>
<p>Nonetheless, the people in the know say it's a reach, even early decision.</p>
<p>Went to presentation by NYU admissions officer yesterday (for perspective parents)He confirmed that with the over 40,000 applications they expect next year they will be looking for the "cream of the crop", and that their ideal candidate is an outstanding and well-rounded student, with the most strenuous course load offered (preferably with A's in those AP's). He did say the essay heavily weighted at NYU, interviews are not, and they look at the SAT writing, but don't give it as much weight as the other sections. ALSO (this was interesting) they don't frown on kids taking the SAT three times and have no preference of ACT vs SAT. AT least two SAT II's are required. He also said (and I swear the Princeton Review says differently) that applying early decision at NYU doesn't really help that much in percentage accepted...?????</p>
<p>other schools she's looking at:
Boston University
Univ Rochester
<p>Hopefully, she'll get in at least half? ANyone else out there have unbalanced SAT scores???</p>
<p>Good Luck to you, if anyone else has any insight (that's not totally obnoixious...you post readers know what I mean...it's welcome!</p>