What is my chance to get accepted at a top my MBA program with 3.2 GPA But..

<p>OK, I only have a 3.2 GPA, but I am a chemical engineering major. Chemical engineering classes are no joke! Some people are just hoping to pass the class (a C grade) and 3.0 is already a good GPA in my college. (my college is reputable engineering school in California)</p>

<p>Will I have a good chance to get admitted at a top MBA program (Like Harvard or Stanford)? (With 620 GMAT score and after several work experiences of course)</p>

<p>If it’s Caltech maybe. The most important aspect of your B school application will be your work experience. If you kick butt in an impressive job that will trump your GPA. The 620 GMAT is a problem though, it’s not competitive for top B schools. So that and a low GPA–you would need to be Obama’s personal assistant for any real chance at a top 10 B school.</p>

<p>GPA can be mitigated but you have to understand that the vast majority of students at MBA programs come from very intense undergraduate educations. Probably about 20% of the students are from engineering, and the average GPA of these schools is 3.5, so your GPA is below average. If you have a below avg GPA, you want to compensate that with a high GMAT. The avg GMAT at the schools you mentioned is like 710, so preferably you would want even higher than that (750 probably) and that is very difficult to do.</p>

<p>And of course, work experience trumps all.</p>

<p>You might want to post this in the following area as well:</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/business-school-mba/[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/business-school-mba/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>P.S. VectorWega is correct–A 620 GMAT is not at all competitive for Harvard or Stanford, although it will possibly get you into a top 20 MBA program if you can also get the GPA up to at least a 3.3 to 3.4</p>

<p>vector where are you/did you get your MBA?</p>

<p>Is there a big disparity between “requirements” to get into top 10 MBA schools and top 20 MBA schools?</p>

<p>people here like to think so sp</p>

<p>Every top 20 school has an average class profile showing the stats. If there are particular schools you might be interested in, you can just compare the profiles. I wouldn’t say the discrepancy is huge, but that is a matter of perspective and it really depends on the schools you are comparing. On avg, credentials of students at a top 3 will be better than those at top 6, which will be greater than those at top 10, etc etc etc.</p>