What is my Ethnicity/Race?

My dad is black (born in Africa, specifically from Sudan) and my mom is Hispanic (Spain). I know about my heritage on both sides and actually technically spoke Spanish before English. Am I both black and Hispanic?

Yes, you are a definite URM!

Sounds right to me.

I’m not sure if spain counts as hispanic for these purposes. usually it means from developing countries. But the african part I think counts.

All right thanks! @Dustyfeathers I think Hispanic counts because sometimes when it gives the option of Hispanic, it says Hispanic (Spain also) or something like that. I’ll check with whoever is giving the form if it doesn’t have that option.

There are two questions on the apps. First is race, and you are Black and whatever race your mother (and you) considers herself. She could be from Spain and be Chinese, or white, or black. It is a self identifying designation.

Then there will be a question asking if you are Hispanic, and white or non-white. Again, you pick how you identify. This question is asked for federal statistics and I’m not sure many schools spend a lot of time worrying about it.

You could choose biracial for the first and Hispanic/white on the second, or just about any combination you want.

I heard that Paula Poundstone’s adopted kids chose whatever ethnicity they wanted on their census forms. My real feeling about this is: Do your best to represent yourself truthfully to yourself. The rest will follow.

Yes, you can check both boxes.

@Soccer1235, The [US Census Bureau](https://www.census.gov/prod/2004pubs/censr-18.pdf) seems to count Spain among the [url=http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/03/14/u-s-census-looking-at-big-changes-in-how-it-asks-about-race-and-ethnicity/]Hispanic/Latino[/url] communities. I would check the African American box under “race” and hispanic under “ethnicity.”

There have been many prior threads on “Hispanic” and whether Spain qualifies and even whether Spanish in Mexico qualifies. You can find different definitions for different purposes. I am not offering an opinion any more. :slight_smile:

You might want to check white, black, and Hispanic.

Although, I think once you check Hispanic nothing else really matters. It really bothers me that there is no way to distinguish between being part Hispanic and 100% percent Hispanic.

Ok thank you for the input!