What is Purdue the campus and West Lafayette the city like? Is there stuff to do or is it boring?

<p>I'm interested in attending Purdue. I haven't visited yet-just looked at pictures and videos. I am saving the visits for after I get accepted to certain colleges. But I just want to get an idea of the places. What is Purdue as a campus like? Also, is there much to do in West Lafayette? What is life like there? Thanks!</p>

<p>The campus is very nice and decently large. All of the Engineering buildings are located near the north/ center of campus for the most part. The gym is new and amazing. There are great engineering labs/ resources available (I’m a Civ. E, so I can’t say much about non-engineering stuff).</p>

<p>Unfortunately West Lafayette is very rural/ small town/ college town-like. Not a ton of restaurants, not a lot of bars, not a lot of “things to do”. But there are a ton of awesome clubs on campus (archery, outdoorsing, rock climbing, volunteering, etcetc). </p>