What is success?

<p>"What is success?
Before I add in my 2cents, I’d like to say this: try to answer with some insight.</p>

<p>I used to think that success would be like changing the world, being the ceo of some company like microsoft. It’s not that I still don’t want to do that. But, the thought still comes to be that, there’s more to hapiness than that.</p>

<p>My thoughts on hapiness:</p>

<li>Do work with pride, without going off task, and be really, really efficient, so there’s more time for #2</li>
<li>Party it up!!! Have fun with friends, be wild</li>
<li>Don’t care what other people think about you.</li>
<li>Like life without regrets</li>
<li>Have a smile all the time</li>
<li>Don’t be shy</li>
<li>Workout everyday</li>

<p>I’m gonna have trouble with 2 for a while. I need more friends. I just keep thinking. We’re on this rock in one corner of the universe. If there’s something I want to do, I better do it before I die. I dunno. What are your thoughts?"</p>

<p>Accomplishing a goal you set
doing something you're proud of</p>

<p>finding a cure for cancer
getting good grades in school</p>

<p>getting laid
oh wait... i'm a girl, nevermind.</p>

<p>ummm, success is being OK with not winning</p>

<p>^ Lol .</p>

<p>is success achieved through competition or cooperation?</p>

<p>um, sorry... too much of the SATs!!! I really need to stop!</p>

<p>Ya wanna know one of my examples for that, TVA?</p>

<p><a href="http://www.northwestnatureshop.com/photos/443.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.northwestnatureshop.com/photos/443.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>