what is the best building on the NB campus?

<p>title basically says it</p>

<p>so which is it
I am going to the NB business school
is it best to live on Livingston?</p>

<p>Personal prefrence. I know people who live on livingston, and they like it a lot.</p>

<p>Doesn’t really matter actually. Wherever you live, you are only a bus ride away from the campus. Just preference like the poster above me stated.</p>

<p>cause i heard a lot of business classes are on livingston
so i might pick tht</p>

<p>Coming from someone who’s a business major and lives on Cook/Douglass, Livingston would be a good choice just for convenience since RBS is housed on the campus. I don’t know if all of your classes will be there your first year like mine are as a junior, but it couldn’t hurt, right? Though really, all of the other campuses with the exception of C/D are pretty easy to get to Livingston and you’ll get a change of scenery. : )</p>

<p>livingston is great campus but if you have all your classes on livingston then youll never get off that campus and its better to experience other campuses. otherwise you may go crazy being couped up.</p>

<p>true jbo86 but i’m pretty sure that not all my classes are going to be on livingston</p>

<p>if you’re looking at room-wise, I would say jameson, that is if you’re a girl, in honors program, or global village. or busch suites. But first-year suites are pretty rough since you only get to meet the people in your suite. I don’t know if that’s good or bad; depends on your luck.</p>

<p>Quads are pretty sociable but I have a friend who lives there. it’s pretty grungey.
I was in RBS, first year, living on C/D. you just take micro and calc your first semester, and maybe macro and accounting, or something, for your second semester. Micro is either on liv or college ave. Mine was on the latter; i thought the commute was fine. Altshuler, by the way, is a solid micro teacher.</p>

<p>on college ave, rutgers fill freulinghasen ( sp?) first, then other college ave buildings ending with mettler.</p>

<p>on livingston they fill the towers first and then the quads</p>

<p>livingston - the dorms are a lot bigger than college ave dorms but it also isnt on college ave </p>

<p>food wise - busch is the best and tillet hall ( the livingston dining hall) isnt thatttt bad but college ave’s brower is the absolute worst</p>