What is the best major for a strong Math, Chemistry , and Biology background?

These are the subjects that I am most strong at. Among all, I like Chemistry the most. I had stellar school grades & test grades in these areas. My chem and bio teachers will write strong recommendation letters, too. My extracurricular sort of my interest in science, too.

The problem is my school only offers an Algebra-based Physics class that I am taking right now. I want to major in Chem Engineering but I feel like a weak background in physics will be a disadvantage.

Aside from that, what are some solid majors for Math, Chem, and Bio?

Too many to mention. Start to Google and see what interests you. Maybe combine your interests with the above and see where that leads to.

You do not have to take calculus-based physics (e.g. AP physics C) in high school to go to college for a major that requires calculus-based physics in college.

Anyway, here are some majors:

industrial engineering
chemical engineering
biomedical engineering / bioengineering
biology (general or specialized)

Look at the course catalogs, see the range of majors and what’s studied. Google what chem engineers do.

And when you apply, if any ask why this major?, don’t say, “Because I get my best grades in xxx.”