What is the difference between International Studies, Relations, and Business?

<p>I'm interested in traveling a lot and doing work overseas in all sorts of countries. I also love learning Spanish and French, but don't think that a major would be a good idea. </p>

<p>Right now I plan on majoring in communications
(I think it pretty much fits all of my interests right now) and then I'm thinking of a minor in International Studies/Business/Relations. The problem is, I don't know the differences.</p>

<p>I looked at some of the course curriculums and they all sound like government stuff. For some reason, when I think of working for the government I think it sounds really boring and tedious. I think of people in offices 9-5 and the college courses are all about history, economics, and politics, which do not interest me at all. I think geography, languages, and cultures are interesting.</p>

<p>What are these majors and what are their differences? Is my stereotype right or all the course work and where they end up?</p>

<p>Another Question: What is a foreign policy officer?</p>

<p>Studies is a more humanities-based, cultural studies type curriculum where you learn about different places and people.
Business prepares you to handle international business ventures.
Relations prepares you to handle government relations between countries.</p>

<p>It sounds like you would prefer international studies.
If you don’t life history, economics, and politics, you should NOT be an International Relations major.</p>