Whether due to an incredible hook, an amazing legacy, or some strange twist in the fabric of the universe, what is the lowest ACT score you have known to get someone into an Ivy League or University of Chicago/Duke (not leaguers, but are genuinely just as prestigious)? A lot of my friends and I have ACT scores around 29-30 and super scores around 32 (mind you- U Chicago and Duke do super score). We all have some pretty incredible hooks, but is getting into an Ivy with a 29/30 completely unheard of? I’ve heard Princeton, Yale, and Harvard are leaning away from using standardized tests as the end-all-be-all for applications, and when I met with an application officer for Harvard, they said a 29 should be just fine (of course, I’m completely dubious about that). So what is the lowest score you have seen? Do the high 20 scorers even have a shot?
a friend of a friend of mine on Yale’s lax team got a 22 on her act-- recruited athlete would be her hook
Well at UChicago, for example, I know for certain the lowest was a 22 ACT because they list the range of scores.
Duke does a kind of super score, but they explicitly state they won’t recalculate a new composite score so I don’t quite know how that works. UPenn is the only Ivy that I know super scores the ACT. Stanford also super scores the ACT I believe. I would also be dubious of a 29 being “just fine” for Harvard unless you are Malia Obama. I’d guess that 30 is around how low ad coms are willing to go for non super hooked i.e… huge legacy, donation or highly recruited athlete, but who knows. I heard of students who were homeless or lived in extreme poverty that got accepted with only 28/29.
Any other schools you can think of that you wouldn’t think super score ACT?
@dnstudent26 - In terms of ACT super scoring, there is a rumor going around that MIT super scores? Do you know if there is any truth to this? Also- thanks so much for the response! This is super informative- thanks so much!! Honestly, college apps are making our school go insane right now! It’s advice from people like you that make it seem that much more bearable- thank you! And I certainly feel you on the Malia Obama one- that was one of the situations I had in mind too!
Yes, @MCurie MIT does indeed super score the ACT. Their website reads verbatim: “If you take the same test (SAT, ACT, or an SAT Subject Test) multiple times, we will consider the highest score achieved in each section. This superscoring also applies to students who submit scores from both the “old” and “new” SAT. We do this in order to consider all applicants in their best light.”
That being said last year for the act the 25th percentile composite score was a 33 and 75% was 35 at MIT.
UChicago and John Hopkins have one of the best super scoring policies for students. At UChicago you don’t even submit official score reports unless you are admitted. This means you self-report scores on the Common App so ad coms only see your highest scores. At John Hopkins they explicitly state that they will recalculate your scores to the highest composite.
Hey!! I have Harvard legacy too!! My mom went. I have a SS of 33 and single of 32. Retaking in fall. I’m only applying to Harvard RD though cuz it’s not my first choice. But I’m glad to see another legacy kid on here!! A couple people from my school got into Harvard last year unhooked in the RD round where acceptance was 3%. They had 33s and 2240+s though.
Harvard doesn’t super score the ACT, only the SAT. Also Harvard has a SCEA policy meaning that it is not binding unlike ED. Legacy means much less if you apply during RD rather than EA. If I may ask, what is your first choice?
@dnstudent26 - thanks for the info- my god you are amazing! This is all incredibly helpful! As for first choice- definitely Harvard (haha me and the rest of the world- I know). But in all honesty, I will be overjoyed if I get into any of my top 5: U Chicago, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, or Duke. I did a “rate me” post earlier this year with gpa stuff. my gpa is really good, I’m really well known for some research I did a few years ago (was in some high-level national newspapers for it [thus people know my name in the science world] and the us navy ended up investigating it for potential government application so i’ve been to the pentagon and stuff. Plus I head a ton of clubs at school, so EC arn’t a big worry), I think I could ace an interview and I’m a really good writer so honestly it’s just that 29 ACT (31/32 Super Score) that I feel is holding me back.
and @ap012199 it is really great to hear from another legacy too! For me it was my dad! That’s super cool to hear about the kids at you school! Maybe we have hope?
Wow that’s pretty cool. In your earlier thread you said you got a 30 though ?
Hahaha @dnstudent26 but seriously- I can’t thank you for all the help! You’ve helped to steady my nerves a little. Are you an upcoming applicant for this year? You seem so knowledgeable that you could already be in college!
Honest to god up so late because i’m working on the common app. lol