What Is the Significance of "Required" College Pre-req Courses?

Many if not all colleges require prospective students to take “x” amount of years/semesters of particular courses during high school (e.g., 4 semesters English, 2 semesters Science with lab, etc.).

I am homeschooled, in my junior year, and haven’t taken any science-with-lab courses (among other courses), which is “required” by many of the colleges I had been planning to attend.

I heard that these “requirements” are just suggestions. Is this true? Will be I be rejected because I haven’t met these requirements?


Requirements are not just suggestion, but they may waive the requirement if a course is not available at your school, for instance.

You may want to check each college to see if they are hard requirements, or merely recommendations.

Even if they are hard requirements, sometimes the college allows alternate ways of fulfilling them, like SAT subject test scores, AP scores, college courses, or completion of higher level courses (typically in the case of math and foreign language). So check for these as well.

Requirements are generally requirements, recommendations are recommendations. However may colleges have special considerations for home schooled students so check online or directly with the admissions dept. of schools you are considering.

Consider taking a lab class at a local CC, if nothing else to learn to write a lab report and a bit about using a lab before getting to college. Most everyone else will have had this experience.

Thanks, everyone ,for your great answers! :smiley:
I’ll look into that!