What is the "stanford slaughter"?

<p>I have been reading this in a few posts what does it refers to?</p>

<p>nevermind, alredy saw the answer in another post</p>

<p>The day the dreams died.</p>

<p>If you’re interested in waiting, you’ll see a reprise for us RDers around March 31.</p>

<p>Ya, it’s gonna be bad. I have no hope, after seeing the EA casualties.</p>

<p>atleast we know what to expect. haha.</p>

<p>haha it really suckss</p>

<p>Do you think Stanford will be as generous to URMs in the RD pool as they were to those in the EA pool?</p>

<p>dpattzlover: We don’t know. And by the way, it seems to me that you’re betting on your URM status as means of getting into your dream college. I admire those URMs who believe they can get into college through their own meritocracy, and not through something that is innate rather than earned.</p>

<p>URM status helps, but it is no guarantee. Period.</p>

<p>^ exactly what I have been trying to point out. All she does is emphasize her URM status. I even read a post where she asked if there were any scholarships just for being Native American…</p>

<p>Ah man I was here the day the Stanford Slaughter happened. I didn’t apply SCEA, but wow just rejection after rejection on that SCEA decisions thread. And it’s about to happen again on in the first week of April! yay</p>

<p>Ah I couldn’t sleep that day. And I didn’t even apply EA.</p>

<p>Oh man… that was a crazy day.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone in RD! Hope it does turn out better this time.</p>

<p>“I admire those URMs who believe they can get into college through their own meritocracy, and not through something that is innate rather than earned.”</p>

<p>Are you implying that intelligence, which I dare say is an important admission’s factor, is not innate? Because it is. Most people are accepted to top-tier schools because they are “intelligent”. You and nearly all other applicants are in fact relying on something innate to get you into Stanford. Dpattzlover just happens to be relying on an additional innate characteristic.</p>



<p>Let’s not go into that philosophical realm of discussion haha. I have had quite enough of that discussion in my Theory of Knowledge class (we had a discussion on “soul” today)…</p>

<p>I don’t think he/she means innate in a broad sense, but a physical condition you are born with.</p>