Is the pool in this school easier than others schools like A&S or Lynch School of Education?
Will I graduate on the same day as other students from other schools and receive a diploma?
How the classes work?
It’s primarily a school for older and/or working adults; most classes are offered in the evening and Saturday. Majors are limited.
So is it look bad if I apply there as an undergrad (right after I finished high school) and then transfer out to A&S?
apply there as an undergrad (right after I finished high school) and then transfer out to A&S?
Why would you want to do that?
Is your academic and EC profile good enough to be a competitive applicant to BC undergrad if you applied directly next year when you’re a senior?
Do you know how many Woods College applicants arrived there directly from high school? Is it even a consideration?
My application is fine I just don’t have any APs in my junior year (3 Honors) but 4 APs in my senior year. My GPA is 3.5 and 29 on ACT.
Do you think I should give a shot for college of art and science?
Do you think I should give a shot for college of art and science?
You are a junior at a private boarding school. Those kinds of schools are usually very good at working with students like you on applying to colleges. Use your guidance dept and begin doing your homework. The results will be much better than listening to some person on the internet (me).
What does Naviance show for you when you pull up the BC page?
Also, look at the BC factbook around page 31. You’ll see the middle 50% SAT scores of admitted students. Then do a simple ACT to SAT conversion. If you really want a shot at BC, your ACT of 29 should trigger you to study night and day.
Woods is the equivalent of Harvard Extension School. they are primarily for part time working adults. If you apply as an 18 year old full time student you will not likely be admitted.