<p>We have 2 years of US History but it's not AP until the 2nd year (sophomore year)
We learn half the material in the 9th grade, learn the other half in APUSH and prepare for AP exam. More time to do projects/papers I guess but it would have been nice to learn like World History (Not offered at my school..)</p>
<p>And yeah, I think it's like required to take 2 years of US History since both freshmen AND sophomores HAVE to choose some type of US HIstory (regular or honors in 9th grade, regular or AP in 10th grade)</p>
<p>well, in my school on 9th grade we take Honors World History (no AP), and in the 10th grade you can either take Honors US History or AP. I chose AP, and this year we are (just like some of you) covering half the book. Next year the people who took AP have to take the second half, but the people who took Honors don't need to take anything else, OR they can take any social studies class they want</p>
<p>Civics and Economics, World History, and US History are required to graduate in North Carolina.</p>
<p>At my school you can either take C&E or WH freshman year (either academic or honors). If you take WH freshman year you have to take C&E sophomore year (either academic or honors). If you take C&E freshman year you have to take WH sophomore year (though you have the option to do AP in addition to academic and honors). Everybody takes USH junior year (academic, honors, or AP), unless of course you choose to do IB and then you take an IB history.</p>
<p>^I'm in North Carolina, too, but at my school you have to take World History as a freshman (either standard or honors) and Civics and Economics (again, honors or standard) as a sophomore. As a junior you have to take US History (AP, honors, standard) and as a senior you can take whatever you want.</p>
<p>9th Grade:
Algebra II Honors
English I Honors
Band adv. Honors
Spanish III Honors
Legal Systems Honors
Biology Honors
World Geography Honors (took AP exam for human geography)</p>
<p>10th grade
AP World History
AP Music Theory
Band Honors
Honors SPanish IV
Honors English II
Honors chemistry
Honors precalculus</p>
AP English Language
AP SPanish Language
Band Honors
AP American History
AP Chemistry
AP calculus AB
Honors physics (worst class everrrrrrr)</p>
<p>12th (probably)
AP calculus BC
AP English Lit
AP Biology
AP U.S> Government
AP Macroecon
AP Physics C (sucidal, anyone....)
band honors</p>
<p>Hm. Let's see if I remember everything correctly.</p>
- R History
- R English
- Math 2
- R Earth Science (I am shocked I survived that class)
- Studio in Art
- Italian 2</p>
- Math 3
- Italian 3
- H World History
- R Biology
- Computer Programming (easy 95)
- Health (waste of time)
- English</p>
- Honors US
- Precalc
- R Chemistry
- R English
- Accounting 101/102
- Self Study: Mircoeconomics and Macroeconomics.</p>
<p>Definitely not as amazing as what some people have posted. But, eh. I got booted from Honors a few years ago and didn't really bother to get them back till this year. Too late? Probably. But, whatever.</p>
<p>Including summer school...
Summer before 9th: Health
Honors English I
Intro to Catholicism/Old Testament
Spanish I
PE/Computer Apps I</p>
<p>Summer before 10th: Chemistry
Honors English II
Algebra 2
New Testament/Church History
Spanish II
Honors World History
<p>Summer before 11th: Economics
Honors American Lit (taking AP Lang test)
Morality/Social Justice
Spanish III
Honors US History (taking the APUSH test)
Office Aide/US After 1945</p>
<p>12th (projected):
AP Lit
AP Government
Christian Vocations/Search for Truth
AP Econ (?)
Calculus (hopefully AP...gotta pull up my precalc grade)
<p>(/) means .5 classes, one class one semester and the other</p>
<p>8th Grade
Algebra 1 Honors</p>
<p>Freshman (Private School)
Mythology/Law Studies
World History Honors (could've took Ap human geography at public school, no AP for Freshman)
Spanish 1
Geometry Honors
English 1 Honors
Intergrated Science (no more room in Biology, didn't have honors for this class but was still really hard)
Painting 1/Old Testament Survey
LMS (Flvs)
Personal Fitness (Flvs)</p>
<p>Sophmore (Public School)
Spanish 2
Biology Honors
Computers for College/Careers
Algebra 2 Honors
AP World History
English 2 Honors
Driver's Ed (Flvs)</p>
<p>Junior (Current)
PC Support 1
International Business Systems
Chemistry Honors
AP English Language
AP American History
Chinese 1 (Flvs)
Fitness Lifestyle Design (Flvs)</p>
<p>Senior (Predicted)
AP Economics
AP US Government
AP English Literature
AP Calculus Ab???
AP Statistics???
International Finance and Law (Unless budget cuts take this out)
PC Support 2
Psychology 1 (Flvs)
Chinese 2 (Flvs)
And some Dual Enrollment classes</p>
<p>Sadly, my school doesn't offer much better than this...</p>
French I (Honors)
Earth Sciences (Honors)
Maths I (Honors)</p>
Spanish I
French II
English IX (Honors)
World History
Studio in Art
Biology (Honors)
Biology Lab
Physical Education
Maths II (Honors)</p>
Spanish II
French III
English X (Honors)
College Accounting
Chemistry (Honors)
Chemistry Lab
Physical Education
Maths III (Honors)</p>
Spanish III
French IV (Honors)
English XI (Honors)
AP US History
Physics (Honors)
Physics Lab
Physical Education
Maths IV (Honors)</p>
Spanish IV (Honors)
AP Spanish Language (Independent Study)
French V (Honors)
AP French Language (Independent Study)
English 12
College Psychology
College Sociology
College History of Civilization (1500-Present)
College Computer Forensics
Physics Lab
Physical Education
AP Calculus BC</p>
<p>To explain my school a bit, we only have Honors in 8th and 9th grade when you're in a three course Honors program with the same 80 or so students. Outside of those three classes per year for two years, your advanced classes are AA (Advanced Academics), with the obvious exception of AP. In 7th grade, some courses are only offered as regular, and some courses (Physics, English 11 and 12, Calculus) are only offered as AA or AP, so AA doesn't always really mean more advanced than regular. AA and AP are equal for weighting.</p>
<p>My school is 7-12, so in 7th grade I got credits for Algebra I AA and Latin I and in 8th I got credit for Geometry AA and Latin II AA. I'm not sure about the Latin though.</p>
<p>9th grade
Honors Modern History
Honors English
Honors Latin III
Biology AA
Gym/Study Hall
Senior Orch
Algebra II AA</p>
<p>10th grade
French 1 AA
Pre-Calc AA
Chemistry AA
Sr. Orchestra
English AA</p>
<p>11th grade
Public Speaking/Late Arrival (study hall, basically, I just stay home)
French 2AA/3/3AA
AP English Lang
AP Human Geography
AP Calculus BC
AP Art History
Chamber Orchestra</p>
<p>12th grade (projected)
AP French
AP English Lit
AP Physics B or C
AP Chemistry
AP Psych
AP World History
Chamber Orchestra
At UCinci: Multivariable Calc (maybe, if it fits my schedule and isn't too scary)</p>
<p>I want to take 8 courses in 12th grade, so I'll have to drop one. I hope my school might let me go around the 3 years of req'd languages by taking one at a local uni but they probably won't. I really don't want to have to drop orchestra after taking it since 7th grade, but I can't pick between Psych and World Hist, and my school won't let me self-study for courses that they offer.</p>
Study Skills & Career Development
English 1 Honors
Creative Writing 1
Naval Science 1
Leadership Education 1
Algebra 1 Honors
Biology 1</p>
Naval Science 2
Physical Science Honors
Drawing & Painting 1
Geometry Honors
Leadership Education 2
Ceramics 1
Health Science 1
English 2 Honors
Chemistry 1 Honors*
World History Honors*
Driver Education*
SAT Prep.*
Computing for College & Careers*
Algebra 2 Honors*</p>
Naval Science 3
Trigonometry/Analytic Geometry Honors
Health Science 2
AP Psychology
Anatomy & Physiology Honors
Leadership Education 3
Spanish 1
Spanish 2
AP US History*
AP Art History*
AP Eng. Lang.*
Physics 1 Honors*</p>
Naval Science 4
Leadership Education 4
Spanish 3
Allied Health Assisting 3
AP Bio
AP Calculus
Creative Photography 1
AP European History
AP US Government & Politics*
AP Eng. Lit.*
Economics Honors*</p>
<p>You’re kidding me right? The only AP offered at my school is AP History, AP biology, AP British literature, and AP Calculus. Wow you must have no life.</p>
<p>Honors English I
Honors Earth Science
Honors Geometry
Honors World History
Computer Applications I
Computer Applications II
Digital Communication Systems
<p>Sophomore Year</p>
<p>Honors English II
Honors Algebra II
Honors Civics & Economics
Honors Biology
Honors Astronomy
German I
E-Commerce I
Advanced Weight Lifting</p>
<p>Junior Year</p>
<p>AP English Language
AP U.S. History
AP Human Geography
Honors Precalculus
Honors Chemistry
German II
Honors German III
Contemporary Moral Problems
<p>Senior Year</p>
<p>AP English Literature
AP Calculus AB
AP Microeconomics
AP Macroeconomics
AP World History
Honors Physics
Honors German 4</p>
<p>Freshman Year
Spanish 1
Academic Geometry
Academic Algebra II
Academic Lit/Comp
US History
Standards Based Science (Due to course issues, I had to postpone Bio until sophomore year)
Careers/Gym/Tech/Speech (each 9 weeks)</p>
<p>Sophomore Year
AP English Language
Academic Lit/Comp II
Academic Trig/Algebra III
Academic Biology
Driver’s Ed
World History
Spanish 2</p>
<p>Junior Year
AP US History
AP English Literature
Spanish 3
Lit/Comp III (don’t offer an academic past II)
Academic Chemistry
<p>Senior Year – hopefully, if all the courses are offered and available
Spanish 4
AP Stats
Academic Physics
Forensic Science
Beginning Calculus
<p>and, possibly, self-study AP Psych. My school has never had a self-study student before, so it’s up in the air. :)</p>
<p>Not skipping. Chose to continue band, Spanish, and AP Lit, leaving me with no room for math. I doubled up freshmen year. I will be doubling up next year for senior year. What’s your beef?</p>
<p>I am just saying. Calculus by senior year is not seen as rigorous. take spanish online. drivers ed and phy ed should be dropped. unless they are grad reqs.</p>