<p>Mine are:
-Get into and go to a college I really like
-Work out at least 3 times a week
-Get my driver's license, finally
-Become more social
-Stop procrastinating!!</p>
<p>-Floss my teeth more often :)</p>
<p>Mine are...
1. Learn how to manage my super curly hair
2. Follow my plan to start running everyday
3. Meet new people and become more social (this yr so far has been all about work :(</p>
<p>I forgot some...
4. Write a novella
5. Get a job</p>
<li><p>Don't lie to friends... I have this problem of lying(not blatantly, just only telling what they want to hear) to avoid causing havoc. Its gotten especially bad with guys this year- someone will ask me out and I'll make up some BS excuse when really I would never consider going out with him.</p></li>
<li><p>Put more heart into the charity I'm working with and stop beings so self centered. I work at this charity once a week and when I'm there I'm always thinking of the better, more practical things I could be doning(especially during application times)--> then I hate myself afterwards for being such a horrible person.</p></li>
<li><p>Be more understanding with my parents... we really don't get along. Since my dear sister has left the stress level in our house has going WAY up. Both my father and I are strong people and when I don't agree with him I don't lay down and allow him to walk on me- I fight! He doesn't understand that his view is not always right and this is because in his job his word is always right to his workers and he thinks that is how it should be at home- YEAH RIGHT!</p></li>
<li><p>Keep my personal areas(bedroom, bathroom, office) clean. It really bothers me but I can never find time to clean... I just need to stay up 20 minutes later each night and clean my crap up.</p></li>
<li>be more focused on schoolwork (aka, stop procrastinating online)</li>
<li>do yoga at least once a week</li>
<li>get started on my research project and go through with it</li>
<p>don't plan of making one, i never follow it</p>
<p>-Leave home (which I will totally follow)
-Memorize US constitution
-Win some money
-Like I said, LEAVE HOME :)</p>
<li>hope White House gets bombed</li>
<p>Find a new girlfriend (it's been a little while)
Make %50 in profits in the market, for the 2005 fiscal year.
Sell more custom computers.
Get accepted into Indiana University
Get in top 100 for xbox nhl2k5 online ;)</p>
<p>1) Bring up the ol' grades. That B average this semester just isn't cutting it, especially if I'm looking to transfer at some point.</p>
<p>2) Grab life by the horns.</p>
<p>2) a) Find the balance in things academic and social.</p>
<p>2) a) i) Become a Zin master of sorts-- figure out what I truly enjoy in life, even life up in Provo, Utah, and seek it out to enjoy it.</p>