What jobs can I get if I decide to go for the Information systems major with computer science minor?

Can I get the same IT type of jobs that computer science majors can get?

Good question. I have the same question also. I know that most programming jobs require you to get a Computer Science degrees over IT.

I am an IT Manager with an Information Systems degree so just giving my opinion here.

If you want to work in IT but in systems administration, systems operations, or even IT management, the information systems major would normally be more fitting (and easier). In these roles you are generally installing, supporting and maintaining off the shelf software. Think operating system admin, exchange/messaging admin, storage system admin, etc. Meaning you need basic IT foundational skills and then solid troubleshooting skills but you won’t need to do deep engineering as to how these applications and systems were created in most roles.

If you want to actually create applications yourself or enhance a companies existing product portfolio the computer science route is the route most would go. This route needs higher analytical thinking on a day to day basis and deeper foundation in programming languages, etc. Think web developer or application developer as job roles.

Of course you can be successful with either, both, or no degree at all in these fields if you have a true passion for what you are doing. Some of my best employees don’t have a degree at all or they have them in unrelated fields. What I have never had is someone that was exceptional at what they were doing but hated what they were doing…