What kind of colleges do I have chances at?

I’m a junior in high school. I go to one of the best high schools in the country. Freshman year, I got a 3.1 overall unweighted GPA, but I took all honors classes. Needless to say, I didn’t do too well. Sophomore year, I took all honors and 1 AP, and got a 4.0 unweighted. So far into Junior year, it looks like I’m going to get a 4.0 unweighted again with all honors and 2 AP. I haven’t taken the SAT or ACT yet but I estimate that I am going to get a high score. I’ve also been on a varsity sports team for 3 years and I have taken orchestra as my elective. I made a lot of mistakes freshman year, so what are my chances of going to good schools? Thank you!

  1. Home State?
  2. What can your parents afford to pay each year?
  3. GPA unweighted/test scores
  4. Intended major?
  5. Type and location of schools
  1. Home State? Maryland
  2. What can your parents afford to pay each year? 25k, maybe a bit more
  3. GPA unweighted/test scores Freshman year: 3.1 Sophomore and Junior year: 4.0, 5 on all of my AP exams so far, 29 PACT (I took it freshman year, I still need to take the actual SAT/ACT)
  4. Intended major? Undecided, but most likely medicine
  5. Type and location of schools Anywhere in the US

Also, I have been in an orchestra (not related to school band) for 6 years, and another one for 3 years.
Been on varsity softball since freshman year, JV track since sophomore year, and been in school band every year of high school.

You didn’t answer #3 - what is your overall W/UW GPA?

Oh sorry.
UW: 3.77
W: 4.6


“Good Schools” are different for everyone. You have given us nothing that YOU want in a school. It’s not worth going to a school just because it’s considered “good”, so do research into schools that you would like to attend. Without test scores, it’s impossible to chance since they make up a large part of admissions. Keep your grades up and stay involved, as well as study for standardized tests, then we can chance you.