What Kind of Schools Could I Get Into?

<p>i have a bad gpa(2.9) but thats just because of bad teachers, but i'll raise it to 3.2 this year(i'm a junior)
i'm in all regular classes except for history(ap world)
i took pre ap history/goverment in 9th grade & got on over all score of c(79.9% i think if i remember correctly) because i only did 1/2 of my national history day project(which was worth of 1/2my grade! :O)
next year i'm gonna take ap physcology(blow off class, but will raise my gpa), ap human geography(if enough people sign up for there to be a class! its a blow off class too!), ap art history, ap euro history, marketing, & some fun class.
i'm also a figure skater, if that makes a diffrence
i haven't taken the psat(will in 2 weeks), sat, or act
but, on all of my state wide testing & stuff i get advanced, except for math... i'm kinda bad at math & get below average & stuff like that :P
on my plan test(act version of psat) i did bad, i got somewhere in the 20's(low or high, idk!) because my math score was really low :(</p>

<p>i'd really like to go to england for college because it's only 3 years long :), but i would think it would be alot harder for an international student to get in to a good school, especially with my grades :(</p>

<p>aslo i’m in
deca(3 yrs)
french club(3 yrs)
fccla(1 yr)
thespians(drama club(1 yr))
dfy(2 yrs)</p>

<p>I don’t think you have much chance of getting into any british schools. Even outstanding high school students can’t get in because english students are much better prepared; by age 18 they’ve already taken a-levels which are equivalent to the first year or two of us college.</p>

<p>I cannot comment on your chances of getting into US colleges or any of your stats as I am from England myself so do not fully understand your system.</p>

<p>What I can comment on though is your ambition to go to college in England as there are a few points I would like to make. Firstly the reason college in England is only three years is because school goes upto year 13 meaning English students have completed a year more schooling than their American counterparts by the time they reach college. You could also be further behing as English students only take three subjects in their final year and four in their penultimate meaning they study subjects in more detail, although this maybe somewhat irrelevant if you’re hoping to major in a field that is not studied at school</p>

<p>Sorry if I was repeating information you were already aware of, however if your knowledge of the English education system is anything like mine was of the US system before I found this forum then hopefully I will have helped you.</p>

<p>edit: sorry for repeating you mmmgirl I was writing as you posted so only saw your post upon posting mine and refreshing the page.</p>

<p>actually mike993 even thought you’re grades go up to 13 & ours only go up to 12, we have the same amount of years because our kindergarten is what you would call year 13, by the time i’m 18 i will have college credits already & i plan on taking a few college courses over the summer so if i do go to an american university i won’t have to take those classes :)</p>