What kind of stats do recipients of $20K or higher merit scholarships typically have?

<p>There's a minimum of 1350 SAT for consideration, but what's the norm for those who actually get significant merit aid?</p>

<p>I am curious, too.</p>

<p>probably like 2200+</p>

<p>You can view my stats on the Accepted Students thread in detail, but I have a 2030 SAT (1340 CR+M), and 3.5UW GPA. I’m getting 20k$ a year.</p>

<p>I can only speak for ACT scores but I remember seeing the results from last year and it seemed like people with a high gpa and a 28+ got some merit aid. Most of the $20,000 recipients had 30+ and singer invites were sent out to people with 34+ and of course a very high gpa</p>

<p>vdub212, if 350 students were invited to Singer weekend last year and only 50 some got the Singer scholarship, what did the remaining 300 receive? Did they already have one of the other scholarships in hand? I’m not sure I understand how this works.</p>

<p>The way I understand it is there are four merit scholarships offered by Miami. a $16,000 a $20,000, a $24,000 and of course the full tuition Singer. Pretty much everyone that is invited to Singer weekend receives the $24,000 one automatically with a chance to get the full tuition scholarship. So bottom line is that your official acceptance packet will give have scholarship info and potentially an invitation to Singer weekend. And if you are invited but don’t receive the Singer you of course get the other award. Sorry if that is confusing I’m attempting to watch a college basketball game and type this at the same time lol</p>

<p>damn it i got the 24k but no singer invite :frowning: and i got a 1450 M&CR</p>

<p>got the 24K a year with no singer invite. I got a 2270 on the SAT (1500/1600).</p>

<p>O well…</p>

<p>At least in 2007, when my son applied, and last year when a friends daughter applied, the 24K/year merit award was sent out with acceptance packet. Of all those students offered the 24K (and it may be more this year as tuition rises each year???), some will get a Singer weekend invite and others will not. Regardless, the 24K/yr stands. </p>

<p>There are two Singer invite weekends. You receive a letter or email about those separately from your acceptance packages.</p>

<p>You will have an interview during the Singer weekend. </p>

<p>Son is a Singer Scholar and Foote Fellow and has gotten a great education at the U. We will miss visiting and being a part of UM when he graduates.</p>

<p>FLcollegeman: do you think they might send singer invites later on/email?</p>

<p>edit: crazed - thanks for the info! that gives me hope. what were your son’s stats?</p>

<p>Mangofan and FLcollegeman, your scores are wonderful. Perhaps they are doing singer invites separately or through email this year. What are your other stats? Are you top 5 percent and high GPA students? Those are the three factors…24,000 is wonderful! Congrats!</p>

<p>Mango- would be surprised if you didn’t get a Singer invite.
Relax, it’s early yet!!</p>

<p>Thought I would share the link to last year’s EA results just to see what stats people had and what scholarships they received etc…</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-miami-florida/855639-official-umiami-class-2014-early-action-admissions-decisions-thread.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-miami-florida/855639-official-umiami-class-2014-early-action-admissions-decisions-thread.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



<p>Yes I am in the top 5%. Hopefully they send them later.</p>

<p>when my daughter applied and was accepted to UM in 2008, they used to have a chart for scholarship consideration; this changed the following admissions year and, with it, the scholarship consideration has gotten dicier;
we know kids last year who easily had the numbers for merit, and were offered nada…and there were no surprises in the other direction either (kids w lower stats getting merit $$)…</p>

<p>the only kids I have ever known personally that were invited to Singer with top 3 in their class (not top 3%, top 3 kids)…</p>

<p>and as I mentioned here or elsewhere, it’s all about class rank with UM; you could have a 3.8 UW GPA but if that puts you down at the lower class rank, you may get no scholarship $$ at all…</p>

<p>Rodney: What if you have a 4.0 UW but you’re class rank is 15 or so out of 300 or 400?</p>

<p>^^if I had to guess, i would imagine either $20,000 or $24,000 but it would depend on your SAT/ACT…1450 or higher, 33 or higher…but it’s like a “chance” thread…no way to tell…
I honestly think there is a demographic and yield factor involved as well; like, who they want to get there? what kind of student are they looking to get?..do you know what I mean?</p>

<p>$20 or $24 thousand off still puts UM at or below most OOS publics…but not necessarily in state ones…for most states…</p>

<p>All of the colleges I’m applying to next year are oos (all 3 of them :P). I haven’t taken the SATs yet (well, I guess I took them in 7th grade and got a 1650, but I’m taking them in march this year). My PSAT score this year was 224, which is enough to most likely get me into National Merit Finalist.</p>

<p>The rank thing is true. I had a 2080 SAT with a 3.7 but a sub top 10% ranking and didn’t even get the 16k one.</p>