How do scholarship awards work? Singer?

<p>I am confused and I'm hoping someone can shed some light on scholarships at UM. I've seen some accepted students post that they were awarded Dean's scholarship (or another non-Singer scholarship). But, then I've seen talk about a Singer Weekend. If you receive notification of receiving a scholarship other than the Singer full-ride, do you need to show up for the Singer weekend? What happens to the students who show up for Singer weekend who don't end up getting selected for the Singer scholarship (I read that last year there were 350 students and only roughly 50 were picked for the Singer)? Do the other 300 already have one of the other scholarships? Thanks!</p>

<p>Yes, the other 300 still have their 24,000 scholarship. They may even get a bonus of 2000 or 4000 (this amount might have changed since a few years ago). Many will get Foote Fellow offers, but you keep the scholarship you were awarded to begin with. A lucky few get the Singer. No one but those with official invites go to the Singer weekend. This is arranged online at the special website for this event.
It is a bit confusing, but basically look through your package carefully and see what has been offered to you. Remember that getting these merit scholarships is wonderful and many did not get them, so congrats no matter how much you got! Soon you will receive more info with your whole financial package and then you can make an educated decision about whether UM is affordable for you and your family. If you live in Florida, you will also receive extra $ if you qualified for Bright Futures and that really adds alot. Separate requirements for keeping Bright Futures such as GPA, but not as stringent as you might think. UM has work study and of course loans included in the financial package.
Keep applying for those private scholarships in your community! UM is worth trying for those scholarships to make it happen!</p>

<p>When do the invites come for the Singer invites? Were they included in the scholarship packet, or are they separate?</p>

<p>I posted this in another thread, but if we got the dickinson for 20k is there no way we are getting the singer invite?</p>