What Laptop Should I Buy An Engineering Major?

<p>Please advise, I want to get my daughter a lap top for college and I have no idea what her needs will be in her school of engineering program. Can anyone clue me in? Sister says Apple G5. Please advise</p>

<p>I would follow up with the school your child plans to attend. </p>

<p>Some schools require the purchase of laptop through them, other may offer discounts through the school. </p>

<p>If nothing else, they can tell you if they are primarily Apple or Windows oriented.</p>

<p>What school? What flavor of engineering?</p>

<p>In addition to what m&sdad said, some school require specific opertating requirements so that the laptop is compatitble with their network,e-mail,course work. </p>

<p>I agree unless D is really technology savvy and can do the upgrades her self it is best to purchase the computer through the school because you basically pick it up when you arrive on campus, plug it in, so through a few simple log on precedures and you are set. In addition many computers purcahsed through the school will provide technical support on campus and loaner programs should there be a problem with the computer.</p>

<p>so your best bet is to wait and see what the school requires.</p>

<p>Does the college have any recommendations? Some colleges have programs where you buy the laptop there and they include all maintenance and insurance</p>

<p>I think it is a good idea to get a flash drive to carry programs and assignments back and forth. Sometimes engineering programs have to be done in a computer lab, but a flash drive both saves your data and lets you move your data from computer to computer. It seems like almost everybody has one.</p>

<p>Yeah, most people have flash drives, but the combination of email and network drives means that I've never used my flash drive to get data off a computer in a lab.</p>