What life skills do college bound kids need?

THIS. This is a lesson that many adults who have been working for decades have failed to learn. Same with respect to custodial staff in any space where you spend a lot of time. It is respectful and often very helpful to get to know them.


I’ve read online (from current students) the repeated regret of not getting their driver’s license while in high school, before leaving for college.


Well, yes to all of this. But it’s not a cram session senior year in HS. These things are all part of learning as you go along while growing up.

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Forewarned is forearmed!

  1. Don’t procrastinate. Do homework when the lecture is fresh in mind.

  2. Don’t drink, and don’t hang out with others that are drinking.

  3. Stress management: exercise, eat healthy, stay off the phone, spend time outdoors.


A useful skill (apart from the many good ones mentioned above) is to forgive yourself for all the small and big mistakes you will make when you start college. Including bigger things like forgetting to wake up for the exam.


True and parents can’t possibly teach everything. And not every skill is relevant to everyone’s situation and lifestyle. That said, I do think there are certain skills that parents can teach their kids that are worth knowing